Page 41 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 41



         R         oad accidents are a common incidence, but     other cars around you, helps you guess how deep the

                   during monsoon, the chances of an accident
                                                                 water-logged roads are.
                   become higher owing to waterlogging,
                                                                 If water level rise above tyre, simply don't drive further
                   slippery roads, & poor visibility. It has also been
                                                                 & just try to park the vehicle at a safe spot. Once you
         observed that every year,during the annual rainy season,
                                                                 park it safely, get out of the vehicle and call the insurer
         there are higher chances of vehicles getting damaged
                                                                 or towing service to tow your car, if required. The
         which results in higher motor claims ratio.             roadside assistance car insurance policy aid to tow your
                                                                 vehicle to the nearest garage available.  If the car stops
         Waterlogging due to monsoon has become a regular        for any reason, one should not try to start it, restart the
         scenario in major cities of Indian roads. Everyone wants  engine if stalled in water, as it could cause serious engine
         to get out of the waterlogged area and reach their      damage. If you suspect water has entered the engine,
         destinations safely yet timely. But, driving in such a
                                                                 immediately switch off the car to avoid any damage.
         scenario is challenging for the vehicle as well for your  Remember, any engine damage caused by wear and tear
         safety. That's why, in a nutshell, driving through water
                                                                 or mechanical failure will not be covered as part of an
         should always be avoided, but If you absolutely must drive  insurance claim. To avoid such scenarios or any dispute
         over a water-logged road safely, follow the below
                                                                 with the insurer, opt for an 'engine protection add-on'
         mentioned tips that will help you to drive your car     that covers all kinds of damages to the engine, including
         through waterlogged roads as smoothly as possible.      hydrostatic lock, upholstery damage.

         Tips To Drive Through Waterlogged                    In a case where a person's car has been submerged in water
         Roads:-                                              due to the monsoon showers, having a motor insurance and
                                                              putting in an insurance claim are crucial steps.Monsoons
         Driving your car through waterlogged roads in India can
                                                              pose abundant challenges for drivers/vehicle owners and
         be a daunting task. IFFCO-Tokio Shares top tips for a safe  hence a comprehensive insurance policy is recommended.
         & smooth drive.
                                                              Remember, a little preparation and presence of mind can
         First and foremost, 'Gauge Water Level', as it gets more  get anyone out of a problematic situation without harming
         dangerous when the car's tyres are submerged. Higher  them or their vehicle. Drive slow, do composed driving, do
         water levels can make driving a lot difficult & prone to  not move to high gears. Keep toggling between 1st & 2nd
                                                              gear without letting the throttle go down. Maintain a
         F   If water is upto the tyre level, then drive down the  consistent level of RPM (speed).  Try to take an alternate
             center:Stay In The Centre Lane & Drive through the
                                                              route, which might be time-consuming but it is better to be
             middle of the road. The depth at the center is   safe than sorry.
             generally the least as compared to sides. take turns
             with other cars, as driving behind other drivers is  So, Keep Calm, Don't Panic & Be Patient, Stay Insured.
             safer than passing by and splashing water onto
             passing vehicles. It will also move water out of your  And, if you are looking for a bike/car insurance plan that
             way.Also, you should clear the windshield with the  offers protection for your vehicleas well as light on your
             help of the HVAC system - heating, ventilating, and  wallet? Look no further than IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance
             AC (Air Conditioning) for better visibility on   Co. Ltd. You can choose from several add-on options, tailor
             roads.Don't forget to turn headlights/ hazard lights  your plan as per your requirements at a cost that's in tune
             on, as it will help you see the road better, also alerts  with your budget. T

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