Page 29 - Insurance Times July 2021
P. 29

part of the risk management process, and there should
                                                                 be continual improvement of controls.

                                                              Y  Ultimately, the internal control system should be
                                                                 embedded within the culture and operations of an

                                                              Let us understand weak internal controls with a help of a
                                                              case study:

                                                              Case is of no process of Pre-Employment
                                                              Screening in a company
                                                              Y  A finance house needed an extra junior accountant for
                                                                 a short period of time. The company went to a
                                                                 reputable agency and employed an appropriately
         Y   Clear policy declarations on business ethics and anti-  qualified person.
             fraud, with clarifications about tolerable behavior in risk  Y  The company relied on the agency's screening policy
             prone situations.                                   which had failed to uncover a series of discrepancies in
         Y   A method through which supposed fraud can be        the accountant's personal history, including a false
             informed.                                           address. The accountant removed a company
         Y   An extensive audit procedure which focuses on areas  chequebook from his work place and used it to make a
             of risk.                                            series of high value purchases on his own behalf.

         Y   Organization who are seen to be dedicated through  Y  The matter came to light when a routine enquiry was
             their actions.                                      made with the finance house to verify the issue of one
         Y   A code of ethics or an anti-fraud policy is not adequate  of the cheques. By this time the short-term accountant
             to prevent fraud though. Ethical behavior needs to be  had left the organisation. He could not be traced and
             rooted within the culture of an organization.       the matter was referred to the police.
         Y   To demonstrate commitment, resources should be   C) Insurance Fraud Controls through Fraud
             allocated to communicating ethics and values to all
             employees, suppliers and business partners, and  Detection:
             providing training programs where necessary.
         Y   Promise from senior management and 'attitude at the
             top' is key.

         How to establish a Sound Internal
         Control Systems in any Organization:                     Fig. 6 - Fraud Controls through Fraud Detection
         Y   An internal control system includes all those policies and
             procedures that taken together, support an       Fraud Indicators: Warning Signs
             organization's effective and efficient operation.  Y  It is unlikely to eradicate all fraud.
         Y   Internal controls typically deal with factors such as  Y  No system is completely fraud proof, since many
             approval and authorization processes, access restrictions  impostors are able to evade control systems put in place
             and transaction controls, account reconciliations, and  to stop them. However, greater care paid to some of
             physical security.                                  the most common indicators which can provide early
         Y   Internal controls to minimize fraud should, where   warning that something is not quite right and increase
             possible, address fraud red flags.                  the likelihood that the impostor will be discovered.
                                                              Y  Warning signs have been defined as organizational
         Y   Wherever new internal control procedures are
             announced, they should be documented clearly and    indicators of fraud risk.
             simply. Internal controls should be frequently revised as  Y  Warning Signs can be classified under four Risks:

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