Page 32 - Insurance Times July 2021
P. 32




         AND ITS


         A         mongst the global headlines in the month of  This incident has starkly highlighted the omnipresent risks

                                                               of international shipping. This crisis is of interest to the
                   March of this year, references to the blockage
                   of one of the busiest shipping lanes of the world
                                                               insurance fraternity and layman alike as the intricacies of
                   by the container ship Ever Given featured
         prominently. News stories on the piling up of cargo ships  insurance have come to the forefront in the public domain.
                                                               Marine concepts which were part of insurance parlance
         causing an unprecedented shipping traffic-jam, on multiple  such as general average, salvage expenses and P & I Clubs
         attempted salvage operations, the woes of the cargo   have been mentioned widely in the media. It would be of
         owners, the subsequent arrest of the vessel and its seamen  use to all stake-holders and the general public to
         and the huge compensation sought for by Egypt's Suez Canal  understand these concepts in greater details in order to
         Authority were all widely covered news items.         protect their own interests and for enhancing their general
         The blockage of the Suez Canal for six days and seven hours
         caused vessels to be backed up in the Mediterranean to the
         north and the Red Sea to the south. It is estimated that the
         costs to global trade was about USD 400 million per hour
         based on the approximate value of goods that are moved
         through the Suez every day, according to shipping data and
         news company Lloyd's List.

                             About the author

                      Nandita Banerjee
                      Retired Manager
                      National Insurance Co. Ltd.

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