Page 35 - Insurance Times July 2021
P. 35

These are typically covered by one of 13 mutual     with up to 20 cargo interests per container. It has also
             insurance groups globally (the protection and indemnity  been surmised that it may take anything upto a decade
             insurance clubs) which provide marine liability cover to  to conclude.
             ship owners for approximately 90% of the world's
             ocean-going tonnage. In case of Ever Given it is the UK  Y How much cargo was Ever Given carrying?
             P&I Club.                                           The Ever Given  was carrying 18,300 containers when

             Liability claims may come from organizations such as  it was grounded in the Suez Canal. (20 foot and 40 foot
             the Suez Canal Authority for loss of revenues (and also  containers)
             potential damage to the canal), as well as from other
             vessels blocked in the area (business interruption/loss  Y How will this impact the release of cargo on
             of hire, or claims for compensation of cargo delays).  Ever Given?
                                                                 Now that the vessel owner has declared  General
         Y What are the anticipated cargo-related                Average, the appointed General Average adjusters will
             claims?                                             assess each interest's value on board (termed
             The cargo on the vessel is also insured separately. The  contributory value) and apply a formula that
             initial reports indicate that there has not been    determines the financial contribution of each interest.
             significant physical damage to the cargo on board in this  Cargo owners and other interests will then need to
             incident. The vessel seems to have maintained its   furnish a General Average Guarantee to release their
             power supply, so any refrigerated cargo is expected to  interests.
             still be in good condition.                         Insurance can speed up the cargo release process by

             However, there is the potential for cargo claims    providing the General Average Guarantees to meet the
             resulting from damage caused to perishable goods from  insured cargo owner's contribution and facilitate
             delays. Delay in arrival of project cargo in transit would  release of the cargo while uninsured shippers need a
             also culminate in Loss of Profit claims under the   Cash Deposit to obtain release of the uninsured cargo.
             corresponding marine and engineering policies such as  However, the process is complex it would also be time
             Delay in Start-Up Insurance (DSU) policies or  Marine  consuming.
             Loss of Profit (MLOP) policies.
                                                              Y Will a separate Salvage Guarantee also be
         Y Declaration of General Average?
             Ever Given's Japanese ship-owner Shoei Kisen declared
                                                                 Since the General Average procedure may be a very
             'general average' on 1st April, 2021.
                                                                 lengthy process it is possible that the salvors may require
             General Average is a legal principle of maritime law.  a separate Salvage Guarantee before allowing the
             General Average is all loss which arises in consequence  goods to be released.
             of extraordinary sacrifices made or expenses incurred
                                                                 In such a situation, the insurers would also have to
             for the preservation of the ship and cargo and other
             interests in the  adventure such as freight and container
             within general average, and must be borne
             proportionately by all who are interested.

         Y What will the General Average process be
             Richards Hogg Lindley have been appointed as General
             Average adjusters.
             The General  Average adjuster sources said that while
             the claim would be quite complex, given that the
             20,000  teu (twenty foot equivalent units)  Ever Given
             was carrying thousands of 20 and 40 foot  containers

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