Page 36 - Insurance Times July 2021
P. 36

provide a Salvage Guarantee before the goods and    average expenses upto the discharge of the goods from
             other interests are released and uninsured cargo-   Ever Given.
             owners would have to provide a Cash Deposit.
                                                              Y What are the insurance details of Ever Given?
         Y What is a Salvage Guarantee and why is it             The Ever Given is said to be insured in the Japanese
             required?                                           market for USD 137.7 million against hull and machinery
             The law of salvage is a principle of maritime law   damage. However, as of now Hull & Machinery damage
             whereby any person who helps recover another person's  of Ever Green appears uncertain. The cost of the
             ship or cargo in peril at sea is entitled to a reward  salvage operation is being borne by the hull and
             commensurate with the value of the property salved,  machinery and P & I Club insurer. But now that GA has
             awarded by an Arbitrator appointed by Lloyd's.      been declared the salvage expenses would have to be
                                                                 shared by the cargo interests too.
             Procedures following major maritime casualties are set
             out in internationally recognized law and practices.  The UK P&I Club - is the Protection and Indemnity
                                                                 insurer for the Ever Given.  The UK P&I Club is one of
             A salvage guarantee can be provided by cargo and hull
             insurers (like a General Average Guarantee). It     the oldest P & I Clubs in the world. It provides P&I
                                                                 insurance in respect of third party liabilities and
             represents an amount which, under the terms of a
                                                                 expenses, arising from owning ships or operating ships
             salvage agreement, must be paid by each owner of the
                                                                 as principals.
             salved property to the satisfaction of the salvage
             contractor or salvor. It is often arranged by an average  The UK P&I Club will be required to cover all third - party
             adjuster (in tandem with general average security and  risks for damage caused to cargo during transit, risks of
             is lodged with Lloyd's Salvage Department). Lloyds Open  environmental damage and injuries.
             Form (LOF) remains the most commonly used form of   So far, there have been no reports of pollution, injuries,
             salvage contract.                                   or damage to the Ever Given's cargo.

         Y What impact will the arrest  have on General       Y What are P & I Clubs?
             Average procedures and the release of cargo?        A Protection and Indemnity  Club or P&I club is a non-
             The Ever Given  is a massive container ship. One    governmental, non-profitable mutual or cooperative
             possibility is that if, SCA were to give up some of its  association of ship owners, operators, charterers and
             leverage and releases the cargo but not the vessel, the  seafarers under the member companies. It also provides
             cargo insurers collectively can initiate a plan to  compensation for any loss of life, environment and
             discharge the Ever Given cargo at the nearest port, that  property.
             is, Port Said.                                      A ship owner can face substantial monetary losses if his/
             As the enormity of the volume of cargo stowed aboard  her ship meets with an accident and there is damage
                                                                 to the environment, cargo or to the vessel. Also, there
             the Ever Given,  will make the Port Said   terminal
                                                                 are risks to the lives of seafarers. Ship owners need to
             insufficient, the discharging and trans loading of the
                                                                 insure for all these third party claims. These claims could
             cargo will have to be staggered. These expenses can
                                                                 also be damage to the jetty, pollution from the ship or
             be treated as General Average expenditure.
                                                                 even the fines to the ship from authorities. P&I clubs
             If  the Ever Given cargo is transferred to another  provide insurance to the ship owners for all these claims.
             conveyance to complete the voyage the cargo interests  Thus P & I insurance is a significant aspect of sailing.
             have to execute a Non-Separation Agreement to the
                                                                 P & I Insurance is taken in addition to Hull and
             General Average Adjuster.
                                                                 Machinery Insurance by vessels as they cover many risks
             However, it is also possible that the goods are     which are not covered by Hull & Machinery Insurance.
             transferred to another vessel at the cost and expense
             of the consignor/consignee and a fresh voyage is  Y What is the Omnibus Rule under P & I Cover?
             undertaken to the destination. This will help save on  Experts have opined that it is likely that some liabilities
             some portion of general average expenses as the     arising out of the Suez Canal blockage may trigger the
             consignor/consignee will only be liable for general  Omnibus Rule under P & I Cover.

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