Page 433 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 433

Guide for Motor Insurance

Ex. No. 6

A Yamaha Motor cycle registered on 1-1-2011 is insured
(SI Rs. 30,000) for a term from 1-1-2011 to 31-12-2011
under form "8" Policy of two wheeler package Policy.
The IV met with an accident on 1-8-2011 and insured
furnished claim form along with estimate of loss as

1. a. Cost of replacement of front Mudguard     Rs. 750/-
     b. Cost of colouring of front Mudguard     Rs. 450/-

2. Cost of Replacement of H/L Assembly          Rs. 1,200/-

3. a. Cost replacement of fuel tank             Rs. 2,800/-
     b. Cost of painting of fuel tank           Rs. 1,500/-

4. Mechanical charges                           Rs. 500/-

5. Salvage Value                                Rs. 50/-

Work-out the amount recoverable by insured under the Policy.


1) Cost of Replacement of Mudguard              Rs. 1,200
2) Cost of Replacement of H/L Assembly          Rs. 1,200
3) Cost of Replacement of fuel tank             Rs. 4,300
                                                Rs. 6,700

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