Page 34 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 34

Life insurers form repository to
                fight fraud

T he new rules in the life                experienced increased fraud in certain    insurers have tied up with Experian,
            insurance industry have       geographies like Uttar Pradesh,           including ICICI Prudential Life
            made it impossible for an     Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh," said         Insurance Co. Ltd, Kotak Mahindra Old
            insurer to reject a claim     Khushru Sidhwa, executive vice-           Mutual Life Insurance Ltd, Birla Sun
            after three years. For you,   president, audit and risk                 Life Insurance Co. Ltd, and Reliance
this is good as your insurer can't deny   management, HDFC Standard Life            Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
your beneficiary insurance money if a     Insurance Co. Ltd. In fact, according to
claim is made after three years of        some estimates, insurers lose about       More companies are joining. "We are
buying a policy. Within three years,      6% of revenue annually due to fraud.      hoping to complete the process of
the insurer can investigate the claim                                               tying up with the remaining insurers
and repudiate on grounds of fraud or      To battle fraud, life insurance           within the next couple of
misrepresentation.                        companies with the help of the Life       months,"said Mohan Jayaraman,
                                          Insurance Council, industry body          country manager, Experian India.
The rules state that life insurance       representing life insurers in India,
companies must compulsorily pay all       have signed up with Experian India,       How does it work?
claims made three years after the         which provides business data and
date of commencement of a policy.         analytical tools, to build a data         Experian has been running a fraud
No exceptions. So, if there is fraud,     repository to create a fraud              repository for the banking sector for
mis-statement or non-disclosure by        monitoring framework.                     over four years and has tie-ups with
the policyholder, the insurer has three                                             43 banks. It screens customer
years to discover and act on it. After    "Experian was selected from three         applications to pick out discrepancies
that, the policy cannot be called into    applicants. A small group of three        and possible fraud with the help of
question.                                 insurers was then constituted to draft    the Hunter system, a patented
                                          the terms of agreement and finalise       solution by Experian for fraud
This has worried insurers, especially in  data fields. The agreement was then       detection and management. At
an environment where fraud is on the      rolled out by the Life Insurance          present, it has a database of about 50
rise and policies are bought with an      Council for life insurance companies      million records. "It is designed to
intention to commit fraud. "In the last   on a voluntary basis. Insurers are free   ensure privacy of data.
couple of years, fraud by both            to sign up with the repository. For
distributors and customers has gained     now, we have a contract of three          Hunter is operated by a body
volume, size and complexity. Policies     years with Experian," said Sidhwa.        regulated by the Reserve Bank of
are bought on fake names and on                                                     India. In case an application is
behalf of deceased persons; we have       Currently, 15 out of a total of 24        potentially fraudulent, only its
                                                                                    relevant details are shared; individual

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34                                        May 2016                                  Life Insurance Today
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