Page 35 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 35

entity information is stored separately   actioned and get flagged," he added.       But that's not the only kind of fraud.
and is not available across entities,"                                               There are frauds against policyholders
added Jayaraman.                          At present, the system is live for ICICI   as well. "We see high attrition among
                                          Prudential and the repository is in the    the junior sales staff, which
It will use the same system to screen     process of completing tie-ups with the     sometimes leads to data theft and
customer applications and claims in       others. "Even in the case of ICICI         subsequent mis-selling of policies
the life insurance industry as well.      Prudential, we don't really have to        through spurious calls. Then there are
Insurers who have tied up with            wait for the insurer to share their        some persons who are responsible for
Experian will do a handshake              database. As we get customer               misselling policies and manipulating
between the Hunter system and their       applications, we can screen them           documents. We plan to share a
own databases. "To start with, we will    against the existing database from the     negative list of all such people with
share a negative list. This list          banking sector," added Jayaraman.          Experian, so that there is an industry
comprises customers, employees and                                                   level negative list or repository,"
agents who have committed fraud or        Finally, it's up to the insurer to deny    added Sidhwa.
customers who are financially or          or cancel the policy if already issued.
medically unfit. Subsequently, we will                                               The industry is also working on a
share all the applications on an on-      "The tie-up with Experian will help us     repository that will capture trends
going basis," said Vijaya Nene,           screen these applications and validate     and profiles of customers and the
director, operation and services, PNB     against the database from the              sales force to check misselling. "The
Metlife India Insurance Co. Ltd.          banking sector and also with the           mandate for the fraud repository is to
                                          negative list shared by the insurance      screen applications for discrepancies
When you buy a life insurance policy,     industry. If there are discrepancies,      leading to a possible fraud. But it
you fill up the proposal form with all    the system will show us the nature of      doesn't profile customers. For
relevant details. Chosen data fields      the discrepancy and finally it's up to     instance, how many policies a
will be fed into the fraud repository,    us to take a call," added Nene.            customer owns? Is an agent making
which will check the details against its                                             its policyholders surrender policies to
database. "In our experience, frauds      Reining in fraud                           buy new ones? So, what the industry
are often committed through identity                                                 also needs is a risk repository that can
theft, so we don't run a check against    For insurers it is important to fight      profile customers, employees and
the negative list alone. Fraudsters are   fraud as it affects underwriting policies  distributors to capture trends and
able to duplicate 80-90% of               and finally reflects in the premiums       check misselling," said Sandeep
customers' details, but err on some       that customers have to pay. "We are in     Ghosh, chief executive officer and
information, which gets caught as a       the business of paying claims and that     managing director, Bharti AXA Life
discrepancy.                              exposes us to a lot of fraud. So fraud     Insurance Co. Ltd. According to him,
                                          intelligence is needed. But in India it's  a number of life insurers are in talks
We tag that form, which can be            difficult to track fraud due to a lack of  with LexisNexis, a data analytics firm
accessed by the insurer for further       a single identity number," said Nene.      that provides risk solutions.
investigation. In most cases, the         "In the developed world, for instance,
nature of a discrepancy itself indicates  there is a single number that gets         The industry is serious about
if it's fraud. In some cases, there is    tagged when you make a financial           combating fraud. Even as the first
need to investigate further," said        transaction or get medical help.           step starts with battling fraud by
Jayaraman. "Companies can choose to       Verifying a person's track record is       customers and subsequently against
integrate on Hunter in a batch or         important as it helps us underwrite        customers, it's good news for you. A
online mode. In the online mode, the      policies better, which ultimately          fraud and risk monitoring framework
information would flow to Hunter          reduces claims and rejections," she        is important for a mature market.
instantly and would immediately be        added.                                     (Source : Mint)

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