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not possible to interfere in the decision of the Respondent. Aadhaar Card submitted by her. Moreover, her request was
Thus complaint dismissed. within reasonable time. Accordingly, an award is passed
with a direction to the insurance company to refund the
Case No.AHD-L-021-1314-0058 premium paid.
Shri Narendrasinh N. Gohil
Vs. Case No.AHD-L-036-1314-0105
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Mr. Vasantbhai N. Chauhan
Repudiation of Medical expenses under Health Vs.
Saver Policy
Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Complainant hospitalized for treatment of Infective Hepa-
titis with Jaundice and expense incurred for Rs.35,000/- Refusal of Cancellation request of policy
was repudiated by the Respondent on the ground of non-
disclosure of material facts. Complainant misguided by representative of the Respon-
dent and issued a Life Insurance policy for regular premium
Treatment papers revealed, the complainant was a known mode for 5 years. Complainant requested to cancel the
case of Diabetes, B.P & Cholesterol prior to inception of policy and refund of premium paid amount which was
policy. Thus Complaint dismissed. rejected by the Respondent stating that cancellation re-
quest not received within 15 days from the date of com-
mencement of policy.
CASE NO. FGI/1987/22/13/Mumbai/Mohali On scrutiny of available documents of both the parties, the
Forum directed to cancel the policies and refund the pre-
Smt. Tejinder Kaur mium paid as a special case. In the result complaint suc-
Case No.AHD-L-008-1314-0162
FGI Life Ins. Co. Ltd.
Shri Dhansukhbhai V. Paghdal
Facts: Smt. Tejinder Kaur was sold an insurance policy
bearing number 1027696 for a sum of Rs.13500/- in Au- Bharti Axa Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
gust 2012. Her application for cancellation on 05.11.2012
due to forged signature on proposal forms was not re- Repudiation of Cancellation of policy & Refund of
sponded by the company. premium
Findings: The insurer clarified that the policy was issued Complainant required a single premium policy against
on the basis of details furnished in the proposal forms and which Respondent issued a regular premium policy and
the policy was delivered on time, but she did not opt to mode of payment was yearly Rs.1,17,215/- for 15 years and
return the policy within free look period. In view of a de- period of policy is 30 years. Complainant requested to the
lay, request for cancellation/a refund was declined. insurer for cancellation after 1 ½ months from the receipt
of policy which is not acceptable by the Insurer. As per
Decision: Held that there is deficiency in service on the rules, free look cancellation period is within 15 days from
part of the company. In fact the signature of Smt. Tejinder the receipt of policy. Thus complaint dismissed.
Kaur prima facia does not tally with the signature on
It takes two sides to make a deal, two sides to negotiate and two sides to make it go bad.
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