Page 28 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
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Insurance Institute of India                     Compliance of Mandatory Regulations - Training
                                                            and Seminars:
 Online Examination Schedule for June 2016
                                                            (a) To provide and facilitate an opportunity to all its
Enrolment for June 2016 online exam will start from              members, as per IRDA Regulation 2013, 14(A) (ii)
                                                            (b) Every member shall undergo, training commensurate
Details                        Dates                             to their level of membership for the minimum period
Online Registration*,                                            of training and
Paper Enrollment (Subject      16th to 30th April 2016
Fee), Change of Subject        16th to 30th May 2016        (c) Every member shall attend a minimum number of
Slot / Subject Booking Period  10th to 30th June 2016            Training, Seminar for upgrading their existing level of
Examination Period             15th July 2016                    membership.
Result Date (Tentative )
                                                            Delegate fees: Rs.6500/- per delegate on triple sharing,
* New candidates need to register with III and then pay     Rs.8500/- per delegate on double sharing, Rs.14000/-
paper enrollment fees. Please refer "Help Manual for New    family package (for two + one child below the age of 10) +
Candidates" available under Help Desk menu for help.        Rs.4000/-for additional family member.

For any queries regarding Online Examination, please mail   Reporting: The delegate should report at The Hotel
at or call on 022-26544200 (Dial 5)   Hindusthan International on 21/05/2016 at 8.00 A.M.
'Two Days Training Programme' on MOTOR &
              ENGINEERING by IIISLA                         Contact:

This is to inform that IIISLA-UTTAR PRADESH CHAPTER is      1. Er. O.P. Tiwari
organizing a 'Two Days Training Programme' on MOTOR &            (Treasurer) U.P. Chapter, Programme Convener,
ENGINEERING subjects from 21/05/2016 to 22/05/2016 at            Mobile No. 09415820385
Hotel Hindusthan International (HHI), Maldahiya, Varanasi,       E-mail:
U.P. Pin - 221001.
                                                            2. Mr. L.B. Singh
The theme of this programme is to impart knowledge &             (Co-ordinator) Varanasi, Programme convener,
skill to practicing surveyors as a part of continuous            Mobile No. 09335410407
professional development.                                        E-mail:

Objectives:                                                         Articles/Feedback Invited

To promote quality in profession of surveyors and loss       We invite articles on Life Insurance, General insurance,
assessors through education and workshop, seminar to         Risk Management or any other related topics on
facilitate introduction of best practices amongst its        insurance for publication in our journal The Insurance
members and to disseminate technical information             Times and Life Insurance Today.
amongst its members, to upgrade their skills and             You may also send your feedback on the current
knowledge.                                                   scenario of Insurance Industry in form of Letters to
1. To keep abreast with changes in economic, regulatory      Editor Column.
                                                             If you come across any important caselaws that we
     and legal environment                                   might have missed or any other news item of
                                                             importance, please send us by mail/post for publication.
2. To built confidence in the minds of insuring public and   We also invite your suggestions and feedbacks for
     industry on "neutrality and impartial assessment and    inclusion of new topics in the journal which you would
     gaining the trust"                                      like us to cover. You can also post comment on
                                                             Facebook at
                                                             and or on twitter

                                                                                                                        - Editor

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