Page 25 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 25

Childsurance Savings
                                             Protection Insurance

                                             from IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd

It is a non-linked participating endowment plan that ensures child's future          Why Childsurance Savings
financial needs are fulfilled. Childsurance Savings, is designed to give guaranteed  Protection Insurance Plan?
annual payouts and aid the important milestones in the child's life. In the
unfortunate event of one's death, the policy will continue exactly as planned,       1. Guaranteed annual payouts for
without any further premiums being paid. In other words, this plan ensures                important milestones
that the child gets to live his/her dream exactly as one had planned.
                                                                                     2. Bonuses to add to your savings

Age at entry -             Minimum 18 years                                          3. Immediate payout of lump sum in
Insured Person (Parent)                                                                   case of your unfortunate death
                           Maximum Regular payment option: 40 years
Age at entry -                             Limited payment option: 50 years          4. Waiver of future premiums
Nominee (Child)
Maturity age               Greater than one month and less than 18 years             5. Plan continues and benefits are
(Insured Person)           of age                                                         paid as planned

Policy term                Minimum 28 years                                          6. Two tax benefits

Premium payment term       Maximum Regular payment option: 65 Years                  7. Flexibility to plan for your needs
                                           Limited payment option: 75 years
Premium payment                                                                      8. Exclusive fund for your loved ones
frequency                  Minimum 10 years
                                                                                     9. Loan facility
Premium                    Maximum 25 years
(exclusive of service tax                                                            How does Childsurance
and education cess)                 Regular payment option: Equal to                 Savings Protection Insur-
                                    policy term                                      ance Plan work?
Maturity Sum Assured                Limited payment option: 5 years
                                    less than the policy term                        If a Policy Term of 10 to 14 years is
                                                                                     chosen, one will receive 3 Guaranteed
                                    Yearly, and monthly by ECS,                      annual payouts as 20%, 20% and 60%
                                    standing instructions or direct debit            of MSA in the corresponding last 3
                                    only                                             years of the policy. If one chooses a
                                                                                     Policy Term of 15 to 25 years, he will
                           Minimum  Yearly: Rs.10,000, Monthly:                      receive 5 Guaranteed annual payouts
                                    Rs.1,000 Loading factor of 0.09 is               in the last 5 years of the policy with
                                    applicable for monthly premium                   20% of Maturity Sum Assured each
                                    payment frequency                                year.

                           Maximum No limit (subject to underwriting)

                           Minimum Subject to above minimum

                           Maximum No limit, subject to underwriting

Our economics are not baseball's economics. Our game is not baseball's game. Our owners are not baseball's owners, with one or two
   exceptions. Our union is not baseball's union. What we do has to be crafted and suited to address hockey, to address the NHL, to
                                                       address our 30 teams and our 700-plus players.

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