Page 22 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
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as it forms a vital part of health care financing by providing  Groups, Tailor made Policies for groups, Parivar as a floater
protection to policy holders against illness/injury by either   cover for families, Vidyarthi for students, Varistha for the
reimbursing expenses of hospitalization or paying upfront       senior citizens.
to the hospitals.
                                                                Policies for the economically weaker strata include Jan
With the rise in income levels, changes in demographics         Arogya, Universal Health, Swasthya Bima etc. The portfolio
and increase in health awareness customers are                  also includes Critical Illness which is a benefit Policy for
demanding superior products and better service from             individuals, Corporates, businessmen. Executives, tourists,
insurance companies offering health insurance. Prior to         students going abroad can insure under an Overseas
1986, health insurance meant, mostly tailor-made group          Mediclaim Policy - whereas in Life Sector 'Medical
policies offered by different companies.                        Insurance' coverages are provided as "Rider Benefits only.

It was in 1986 that the Mediclaim policy was introduced         It can be argued that it is difficult to apply the standard
as a standard cover and has since remained the single           efficient market hypothesis (efficient market theory) to
most sold health insurance product. The Policy has              understand the stock market bubble that ended in 2000
undergone a number of modifications with a major shift          and collapsed thereafter. Advocates of Rational
in 2000 with respect to the procedure of settlement of          Expectations may say that the problem of ascertaining all
claims, graduating from a contract of indemnity to a Policy     the pertinent effects of the stock-market crash is a great
with cashless facility with claims being settled through        challenge. Although Indian Insurance Market (i.e. both life
TPAs.                                                           & general) is absolutely Brokers’ Driven, Health Insurance
                                                                is dominated by Bancassurance that is the marketing of
The Mediclaim Policy has been reintroduced in 2007 with         insurance products through branches of banks serving as
sub-limits for various benefits and other features. Along       channels of distribution.
with a new version of Mediclaim Policy, Companies have
recently introduced a few health insurance products for         The concept of bancassurance having its origin in France,
various segments such as Mediclaim for individuals and          now forms a dominant model in a number of countries and
                                                                is also evolving in India. Despite having a relatively
                                                                short history in India, bancassurance is already a major
                                                                focus for many life and non life insurance companies. The
                                                                main factor that gives a fillip to the bancassurance in India
                                                                is the existence of a large and organized banking

                                                                With 66,000 branches spread in urban and rural areas, 300
                                                                million retail banking customers, 65% house hold
                                                                investment, saving bank deposit accounts with aggregate
                                                                balances of Rs 2,79,000 crores, knowledge of saving
                                                                patterns of customer, low cost of distribution, banks are
                                                                fastest emerging channel of distribution. Bancassurance
                                                                for banks is a means of product diversification and a source
                                                                of additional fee income.

                                      Effectively mining their customer’s database and using
                                      their distribution systems, banks can provide the necessary
                                      impetus to convert a huge number of insurance leads into
                                      sales. Insurer's extensive geographical spread and

    What you measure and reward is what you're going to get.

22  May 2016                                                    Life Insurance Today
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