Page 19 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 19

there is a good chance that the customer will look to other    For a business to adopt a diversification strategy, therefore,
agents who would offer all the services under one roof to      it must have a clear idea about what it expects to gain from
avoid dealing with different people. This will lead the        the strategy and an honest assessment of the risks.
customer to switch the loyalties. So it is very important
that apart from life insurance the agent may also offer        3.2.5. Consolidation:
other products which are spin offs from his relationship
with the customer.                                             When the organization adopts a strategy of withdrawing
                                                               from particular markets, scaling back on operations and
Here it is possible to earn additional income with a very      concentrating on its existing products in existing markets
little effort. It is very easy for an agent to double his/her  - it is referred to as Consolidation.
income by using the product development strategy.
Quadrant II strategy is a little more difficult than Quadrant  4. Finally:
I in terms of the effort versus the income potential.
                                                               Using Ansoff matrix the agent may analyze and plan to
3.2.4. Business diversification (new markets, new              meet customer needs and expectations. Facts that are
products) [diversification as a growth stategy]:               worth considering by the agent in the way of self-
                                                               introspection or a true feedback may include.
This is where we market completely new products to new         1. What strategy are agent's Organization / agent's Dept.
customers. There are two types of diversification, namely
related and unrelated diversification. Related                      implementing now for its products/services? The
diversification means that we remain in a market or                 agent will need to place products/services in an
industry with which we are familiar. This diversification can       appropriate quadrant?
be divided again into horizontal, vertical and lateral
diversification.                                               2. Is this the right strategy in terms of meeting customer
1. The horizontal diversification is the extension of the           needs and expectations?

     production Programme.                                     3. Is implementation effective?

2. The vertical diversification is the sales stage stored by   4.1. Rational expectations of an agent:
     products pre order.
                                                               Rational expectations are an assumption used in many
3. The lateral diversification is the sales of completely      contemporary macroeconomic models, and also in other
     new products, which within the range of the               areas of contemporary economics. Since most
     technology and marketing in no connection.                macroeconomic models today study decisions over many
                                                               periods, the expectations of workers, consumers, and firms
Diversification is an inherently higher risk strategy because  about future economic conditions are an essential part of
the business is moving into markets in which it has little     the model.
or no experience. For a business to adopt a diversification
strategy, it must have a clear idea about what it expects      How to mould these expectations has long been
to gain from the strategy and a transparent and honest         controversial, and it is well known that the macroeconomic
assessment of the risks.                                       predictions of the model may differ depending on the
                                                               assumptions made about expectations. To assume rational
Moving away from what you are selling (your core               expectations is to assume that agents' expectations are
activities) in providing something new e.g. Moving from        correct on average. In other words, although the future is
selling Whole Life Policy to selling Term Policies to the      not fully predictable, agents' expectations are assumed not
persons who want to avail house building loans.                to be systematically biased and use all relevant information
                                                               in forming expectations of economic variables.
‘Diversification’ is the name given to the growth strategy
where a business markets new products in new markets.          This way of modeling expectations was originally proposed
                                                               by John F. Muth (1961) and later became influential when
                                                               it was used by Robert E. Lucas Jr. and others. Modeling

It all sounds almost silly, but the fact is that the only way to change a corporate culture is to just change it.

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