Page 24 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 24

MetLife Mera Term

from PNB MetLife Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Benefits:                                                      additional benefits in case of certain events during your
1. Cover family's monthly expenses: Secure family's
     dream so that they don't have to compromise on            Joint Life Benefit: This unique benefit ensures that life
     their standard of living with a guarantee of regular
     monthly income.                                           cover for better half continues even if insured is not there.
                                                               All future premiums for partner's cover will be waived
2. Cover partner, hassle-free: In the same policy, one         off. This option is available if sum assured is more than
     can cover partner too. This unique benefit ensures        Rs. 50 lacs. Coverage for partner is limited to 50% of sum
     that life cover for better half continues even when       assured (max limit Rs. 50 lacs). If partner is a homemaker
     insured is not there. All future premiums for partner's   a Rs. 25 lac cover is provided.
     cover will be waived off.
                                                               Life Stage Protection: Life stage protection option gives
3. Flexibility to increase life cover: As one moves through
     different stages of life, with life stage protection      opportunity to buy an additional cover as per the then
     benefit, one will have the option to increase life cover  prevailing age and premium without any medical
     without any medical examination.                          examination on the following circumstances -
                                                               1. On marriage: Equal to 50% of the original cover
4. Coverage till the age of 75: This plan offers coverage
     till the age of 75 years.                                      subject to maximum of Rs. 5,000,000.

5. Affordable and easy on the pocket: Whatever option          2. On first child: Equal to 25% of the original cover
     one opts for, high costs doesn't come in the way of            subject to maximum of Rs. 2,500,000.
     protecting family's needs and expenses.
                                                               3. On second child: Equal to 25% of the original cover
6. Tax savings: Avail benefit on income tax, under section          subject to maximum of Rs. 2,500,000.
     80C for your annual premium.
Additional Features:
                                                               Minimum Age - 18 years
With the choice of Base Sum Assured and Policy Term
one can also choose additional features. These will give       Maximum Age - 65 years

                                                               Maturity Age - 75 years

                                                               Minimum Sum Assured - Rs 10,00,000

                                                               Coverage Period - 10-40 years

                                                               Premium Payment Term - Coverage Term

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24  May 2016                                                   Life Insurance Today
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