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Syllabus: - The three day workshop will cover the market in picture and responded to the changing and
challenging needs of the Insurance industry by providing
regulatory framework for Corporate Agents, Customer the requisite knowledge and qualifications. The PGDIM
Service, Marketing Techniques need based selling, financial course will empower those who are engaged in or aspiring
planning and ethical practices in insurance. for a career in marketing insurance products and
supervising/ managing people who are selling/ marketing
Sponsorship: - All the participants must be sponsored and insurance products at all levels.
nominated by their organizations.
Eligibility: - As mentioned in the circular issued by IRDA Course Objectives: The course is designed to give
under reference: IRDAI/Reg/12/102/2015 dated 20th students a firm grounding in the fundamentals of
August 2015. marketing and insurance specific applications of marketing.
Program Duration: - 3 days from 16th to 18 th May, Eligibility Criteria: An applicant for this course should
2016 hold at least a three-year bachelor's degree or equivalent
in any discipline from any recognized university in India.
Timing: 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. Admissions: The PGDIM course spanning two semesters
Enrolment: To enroll for the training Program, please is held on week-ends in the College campus at Bandra-
Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai. The mode of
download the enrolment form and after filling in the evaluation for the papers would be end term examinations
necessary details, submit your form and fees to the office that would be conducted at the end of each term and
of Insurance Institute of India, Plot C-46, G-Block, Near evaluation / viva for the Project work. On successful
Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Bandra-Kurla completion of the course, Post Graduate Diploma in
Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051 not later than Insurance Marketing will be awarded by the University of
09th May, 2016. Mumbai and the Insurance Institute of India Mumbai.
You can also do online enrolment through College of Fee Structure: Amount (Rs)
Insurance's website on or before 09th May, 35250
2016. Sr.No. Particular 1000
01. Tuition Fees 5000
Course Fees: - a) Participants requiring residential 02. Library Fees
03. Study Material Fees 2300
facilities: Total amount requiredRS.13397/- (Rs. 11700/- plus Total (1 to 3) 41250 1000
service tax 14.5%). 04. Examination & Marks
b) Participants requiring Non-residential facilities: Total Statement Fees
amount required- Rs. 9618/- (Rs. 8400/- plus service tax 05. Refundable Library Deposit
14.5%). Grand Total 44550
Respond to: - Mrs. Akshara Nagpal * Enrolment - Rs 220/-, Eligibility - Rs 320/-, Post
Graduation Registration fees Rs 825/- and Certificate 022-26544246 Mr. P M Tare verification (based on actual) will be charged separately.
Contac74t Details:
Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance
Marketing (PGDIM) Shri Y.K. Gupta, Administrator,
Email id:,
The College of Insurance (training arm of the Insurance, Ph: - 022-26544284
Institute of India) engaged in imparting Insurance Training
for the last 50 years, has always kept the aspirations of the
Life Insurance Today May 2016 27