Page 32 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 32

Case No. AHD-L-029-1314-0101                          dent and issued a Life Insurance policy for regular premium
                                                             mode for 10 years. Complainant requested to cancel the
           Shri Jitendra Ratilal Shah                        policy and refund of premium paid amount which was
                                                             rejected by the Respondent stating that cancellation re-
                        Vs.                                  quest not received within 30 days from the date of com-
                                                             mencement of policy. On scrutiny of available documents
                   LIC of India                              of both the parties, the Forum directed to cancel the poli-
                                                             cies and refund the premium paid as a special case. In the
Non receipt of Annuity amount                                result complaint succeeds.

Complainant's deceased mother had purchased an Annu-                Case No.AHD-L-033-1314-0086
ity policy price Rs.5.00 Lacs and mode of payment of an-
nuity was yearly. Death occurred in the month of April,                   Shri Manilal C. Modi
Annuity due in July hence the broken period annuity is not
payable as per policy terms and conditions. On scrutiny of                           Vs.
documents of both the parties, the Forum also denied the
complainant's request for payment of July to April. In the          Metlife India Insurance Co. Ltd.
result complaint fails to succeed.

      Case No.AHD-L-0019-1314-0082                           Short receipt of Surrender Value

                Ms. Ashvini Vyas                             Complainant misguided by representative of the Respon-
                                                             dent and issued two policy for annual premium Rs.60,000/
                        Vs.                                  -for 3 years thereafter insured can surrender the policy
   HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd.                     and get additional 12% interest. But after surrendering the
                                                             policy Complainant received only Rs.1,53,977.83 instead
Refusal of Cancellation request for two policies             of paid amount of Rs.1,80,000/- + interest comes to
                                                             Rs.2,26,759/-. On scrutiny of available documents of both
Complainant misguided by representative of the Respon-       the parties, the Forum came to know that the Respondent
dent and issued two policies for regular premium mode        sold policy illegally hence directed to pay premium paid
for 11 years instead of Single premium policy, so complain-  amount with interest. In the result complaint succeeds.
ant requested to cancel the policy and refund of premium
paid amount which was rejected by the Respondent stat-              Case No.AHD-L-029-1314-0092
ing that cancellation request not received within 30 days
from the date of commencement of policy. On scrutiny of                     Shri S.H. Prajapati
available documents of both the parties, the Forum di-
rected to cancel the policies and refund the premium paid                            Vs.
as a special case. In the result complaint succeeds.
                                                                 Life Insurance Corporation of India
      Case No.AHD-L-0019-1314-0088
                                                             Non receipt of interest for late payment
             Mr. Saurabh H. Modi
                        Vs.                                  Complainant demanded 12% interest for 17 months late
                                                             receipt of maturity amount of GSLI Scheme. Complainant
   HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd.                     retired from LIC but failed to produce supporting evidences
                                                             relating to his savings component. This is a tailor made
Refusal of Cancellation request of policy                    Employee-welfare scheme and revised from time to time
                                                             and the exact calculation of saving portion differ from
Complainant misguided by representative of the Respon-       category to category and not uniform all the time so it is

    If you want to know how I feel, I'll summarize it in one word - terrible.

32  May 2016                                                                   Life Insurance Today
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