Page 20 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
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expectations is crucial in theories like ‘New Classical
Macroeconomics’, ‘New Keynesian Macroeconomics’, and
the ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis of Contemporary Finance’,
which study the dynamics of the economy over time. For
example, negotiations between workers and firms will be
influenced by the expected level of inflation, and the value
of a share of stock is dependent on the expected future
income from that stock.
Rational expectations theory defines this kind of past values. For example, people are assumed to predict
expectations as being identical to the best guess of the inflation by looking at inflation last year and in previous
future (the optimal forecast) that uses all available years. Under adaptive expectations, if the economy suffers
information. However, without further assumptions, this from constant rising inflation rates (perhaps due to
theory of expectations determination makes no government policies), people would always underestimate
predictions about human behavior and is empty. Thus, it inflation.
is assumed that outcomes that are being forecasted do not
differ systematically from the market equilibrium results. This may be regarded as unrealistic - surely rational
As a result, rational expectations do not differ individuals would sooner or later realize the trend and take
systematically or predictably from equilibrium results. it into account in forming their expectations. Further,
models of adaptive expectations never attain equilibrium,
That is, it assumes that people do not make systematic instead will only move toward it asymptotically. The
errors while predicting the future, and deviations from hypothesis of rational expectations addresses this criticism
perfect foresight are only random. In an economic model, by assuming that individuals take all available information
this is typically modeled by assuming that the expected into account in forming expectations. Though expectations
value of a variable is equal to the value predicted by the may turn out incorrect; they will not deviate systematically
model, plus a random error term representing the role of from the expected values.
ignorance and mistakes.
Rational expectations theory is the basis for the efficient
For example, suppose P is the equilibrium price in a simple market hypothesis (efficient market theory). If a security's
market, determined by supply and demand. The theory of price does not reflect all the information about it, then
rational expectations says that the actual price will only there exists "unexploited profit opportunities". Someone
deviate from the expectation if there is an 'information can buy (or sell) the security to make a profit, thus driving
shock' caused by information unforeseeable at the time the price toward equilibrium. In the strongest versions of
expectations were formed. In other words ex ante the these theories, where all profit opportunities have been
actual price is equal to its rational expectation: exploited, all prices in financial markets are correct and
reflect market fundamentals (such as future streams of
P = P* + e profits and dividends). Each financial investment is as good
as any other, while a security's price reflects all information
E(P) = P* about its intrinsic value.
Where, P* is the rational expectation and e is the random The hypothesis is often criticized as an unrealistic model
error term, which has an expected value of zero, and is
independent of P*.
Rational expectations theories were developed in response
to perceived flaws in theories based on adaptive
expectations. Under adaptive expectations, expectations
of the future value of an economic variable are based on
It's difficult to have everybody like everything you do. I don't know anybody that's perfect and doesn't have a zit somewhere.
20 May 2016 Life Insurance Today