Page 18 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
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family may have expanded, and he/she could have got a better understanding of segmentation, i.e. who else can
promotion or other normal progression in life. All this will possibly purchase the product or selling the product to
definitely create an environment of new needs for some new market overseas. ‘Market development’ is the name
life insurance products. given to a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell
its existing products into new markets.
Generally every insurance agent should focus on getting
almost 80% of his/her business from his/her current There are mainly four possible ways of
market comprising his/her existing customers. This is the approaching this strategy, which includes:
easiest way to increase his/her revenue.
1. New geographical markets; for example exporting the
Market penetration strategy can also be related to the product to a new country.
territory management that we often consider. Choosing a
limited geographical territory to work in (called a zone, 2. New product dimensions or packaging: for example
which is limited to 5/10 km in radius) will help us to have i. Utilizing Direct Marketing - seeking for New
a higher density of customers in a small geographical Distribution Channels;
which location will enhance branding and create more
awareness among customers. Market penetration strategy ii. Different pricing policies to attract different
increases the density of customers per square km. customers or create new market segments.
3.2.2. Market development strategy (new markets, 3.2.3. New product development strategy (existing
existing products): markets, new products):
Here we market our existing product range in a new This is a new product to be marketed to the existing
market. This means that the product remains the same, customers. Here we develop and innovate new product
but it is marketed to new audience. Exporting the product, offerings to replace existing ones. Such products are then
or marketing it in a new region is example of market marketed to our existing customers. This often happens
development. Market development is the name given to with the auto markets where existing models are updated
a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its or replaced and then marketed to existing customers.
existing products into new markets.
The organization develop new products to sell within their
The organization here adopts a strategy of selling existing existing market, in the hope that they will gain more
products to new markets. This can be done either by a custom and market share. For Example, Sony launching the
Play station 2 to replace their existing model. ‘Product
development’ is the name given to a growth strategy
where a business aims to introduce new products into
existing markets. This strategy may require the
development of new competencies and requires the
business to develop modified products which can appeal
to existing markets.
Quadrant II houses the 'New Product Development
Strategy' that helps an agent to increase his/her revenue.
This works on the premise that customers also need other
financial products like health insurance, term insurance
(as a co-lateral security for the house-building loan he/she
requires to avail), various Life Insurance Products on
pensions/ annuities and ULIPs (for his/her retirement &
complete financial planning).
If the agent cannot fulfill the need of his/her customer,
If you say three things in a row that make sense, people will vote for you.
18 May 2016 Life Insurance Today