Page 11 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 11
We will now look at the risk matrix which is very essential for the planning process:
Low Minor Moderate Major Extreme
Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence
(Rating:1) (Rating:2) (Rating:3) (Rating:4) (Rating:5)
Almost certain Moderate Moderate High Critical Critical
(Rating:5) 5 10 15 20 25
Very Likely Low Moderate High High Critical
(Rating:4) 4 8 12 16 20
Likely Low Moderate Moderate High High
(Rating:3) 3 6 9 12 15
Unlikely Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate
(Rating:2) 2 4 6 8 10
Rare Low Low Low Low Moderate
(Rating:1) 1 2 3 4 5
Table 2: Risk Matrix
Risk Assessment: Once, the area of mining is Risk Management: When the assessment is done using
determined we need to assess the potential challenge proper techniques then the management tools are
the area would bring. We have few points that would easy to identify. Depending upon the level of risks
help the assessors to determine risk and put it in a which are categorised into five different categories (viz.
certain level and present the likelihood of its Extreme, Major, Moderate, Minor and Low), policies
occurrence through likelihood descriptor- with the standard operating procedures are prepared.
Y Take into account the nature of the workplace
Y Identify all the potential risks and hazards Some of the established categories of protection are -
Y Work Practices
associated with it
Y Assign a level to each risk Y Engineering Principles
Y Check the priority for better analysis Y Elimination, Substitution and Reduction
Y Hygiene Practices
Y Compare the findings with other departments or
companies Y Administrative checks
The compiled data of the above findings is given Y Protective gears
The outcomes of the management is much more than
Likelihood Rating Description
the safety. In fact, it will help in developing the right
Almost 5 90% or greater chance of strategies to focus on the right numbers, help us build
certain any risk or hazard taking team management and interpersonal communication,
place it will teach us team work and will promote ethical
Very likely 4 50-90% chance or practices in the organization. The heavy machines can
probability be made to work safely by having a regular check by
Likely 3 20-50% chance of mishap the technicians, which also reduces time and money
that is lost during the repair.
Unlikely 2 5-20% chance of
Right equipment with proper training is required to
Rare 1 Very low chance of any avoid any risk that could have otherwise taken place.
risk Today, miners rely on safety regulations combined with
Table 3: Likelihood Descriptors equipment to warn and few protective gears that