Page 12 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 12


             would ensure minimum damage  to the life and     Y  Health and Safety: Mining industry is always
             property.                                           weighed by minerals on one hand and the risk
                                                                 associated with on the other. As mines get deeper,
             Any change in the work process, changes the whole   the danger of collapse increases. Also, with the
             dynamics for the workers; hence they are the ones who  temperature change in the mine the working
             must be first aware of the changes that have taken place  condition can prove to be fatal. Hence, proper
             to avoid workplace hazard. Follow up inspections and  ventilation and temperature control technique has
             checks should also be done adequately for the better  to be deployed for the safety of the miners'.
             documentation and training wherever needed.
                                                              Y  Talent Shortage: As the industry is failing to attract
                                                                 the young blood due to the safety concerns, the
             Challenges Associated with Mining                   mining industry is getting ageing population to get
             Industry:                                           the work done. This impacts the speed, accuracy,
                                                                 dependency and also the cost to the company in
             While there is risk in the sector, the mining industry is  providing them extra medical facility. While the
             trying to manoeuvre and clear of the headwinds that  ageing people may have deep knowledge of the
             are coming as a challenge to keep the industry in profit
                                                                 mines and mining but they are not used to the
             and intact. From volatility in the market demand to the
                                                                 modern technologies used in the field and this
             scarcity of resources, the challenges facing by the
                                                                 may hamper the production process. Less number
             industry has kept them thinking of the future prospects.
                                                                 or talents joining and more workers are retiring,
                                                                 makes the company to ask more from the less and
             As, everything we use in our office, home, schools etc.  which leads to physical stress on the workers.
             are somewhere related to the mines and minerals     Growing demand is just adding to this challenge.
             extracted from it. But, in recent times due to some
             changes in the surrounding the extractions of minerals  Y  Capital: Access and allocation of capital is the
             is also changing like the environmental issue, limitless  major issue in this sector. The production and
             increase in urbanization, seismic shifts in the     equipment is getting expensive with time but the
             technology which eventually is pressurising the     capital to raise those are not sufficient. Hence, the
             industry in significant ways.                       companies are forced to merge with the smaller
                                                                 companies where the not so trained people get
             The sector we rely upon for so many things from     the responsibility of arranging capital to save the
             energy to the kitchen utensils has to come with a fair  company from loss and have some profit margin.
             share of challenges. These challenges can be taken  Flexible finance has become so popular that it
             over only when we have the idea of what these are   saved so many companies from shutting down as
             and their gravity it has. So, let us look few of them in  the investor are nervous in investing in high risks
             detail:                                             projects. The ongoing rapid expansion of middle
             Y   Energy: The very characteristic of mining industry  class in the counties like India, China, parts of
                 is that many of the operations will be done in the  South America etc., continue to fuel this voracious
                 remote areas and inhospitable places. Hence,    demand of these commodities.
                 building permanent power grids is not feasible to  Y  Price Volatility: This challenge makes it extremely
                 the pocket and the already scarce resources there.  difficult for the companies to plan its income and
                 To solve this issue many companies are now using  expenditure. Significant amount of projects are
                 micro off grid technology rather than traditional  started in the boom years, but before the project
                 power generation techniques which is less       reaches its production capability the market goes
                 expensive. Power rental is also an option to    down. The current geopolitical trend has forced so
                 overcome this challenge.                        many companies to stop their production. This

                 Moving to renewable energy sources would be     uncertainty in market is not suitable for such high
                 helpful, but the technology and environmental   scale industry where it is not easy to adjust with
                 conditions becomes constraint at few sites. For  the trends. Companies have to cut down
                 this, we need to adopt new technology and try to  operations or reduce its workforce to meet is
                 capture the energy and control the grid.        expense and does not make a loss in the market.

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