Page 14 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 14


             fair share", mining in their territory is very difficult.  Y  The District Mineral Foundation (DMF) - to address
             Few common hindrances created are:                  long-time grievances of affected people by mining
             Y   Delay in environment clearances.                and help them.
             Y   Charges of corruption while allocating the blocks.  Y  National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) -
             Y   Arbitrary allocation of the blocks leads to long  Stringent measures to check illegal mining and fill
                 litigation process.                             the gaps in the exploration process in the country.
             Y   Unwanted paper works to get them frustrated  Y  National Mineral Policy 2019 - encouraging private
                 with the process.                               sector to take up exploration with revenue sharing
             Y   Judicial interventions. Example: Banning of
                 Vedanta group in Odisha (Niyamgiri Hills) 5and
                 shut down 88 illegal mines in Goa in 2018.   Government of India's Initiative:
                                                              Y   National mineral Exploration Policy has been
             Political interference is here to remain but the lack of  prepared to attract private sector into mining.
             legal framework can make the issue more endemic.  Y  Star Ration of mining leases for sustainable
                                                                 development framework.
             Legislative Framework for Mining                 Y  A Memorandum of Understanding was signed
             Sector in India:                                    between Indian Bureau of Mines and National
                                                                 Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO to monitor mining
             Y   Entry no. 23 in the List II (State list), in the  activities and deter illegal mining.
                 Constitution of India gives the state governments
                                                              Y  The Mineral Surveillance System has also been
                 the authority to regulate the minerals located
                 within their state boundaries.                  laughed to check illegal mining through automated
                                                                 remote sensing technology.
             Y   Entry no. 54 in the List I (Central List), in the
                                                              Y  The District Mineral Foundation Fund was created
                 Constitution of India gives the Central government
                 the authority to regulate the minerals within the  to help the people affected and mining and areas
                 exclusive economic zone of India (EEZ). In the  under Pradhan MantriKhanijKshetraKalyanYojana
                 backdrop of it, the Mines and Minerals
                 (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act of   Y  100% FDI allowed through automatic route for
                 1957 was framed.                                exploration and mining of Metals and Non-metals
             Y   International Seabed Authority (ISA) regulates
                 minerals exploration and extraction. UN guides the
                 treaty and India being a party to it has received Geopolitical Pillar:

                 an exclusive right to explore poly-metallic nodules  It is a strategic analysis, especially of international
                 over 75000 sq. km in Central Indian Ocean Basin.  relations that are influenced by dialogues, agreements,
             Y   The MMDR Act of 2015 has made auctions       treaties or geological factors in favour of maintaining
                 transparent and removed discretions.         peace around the globe. India is famous for her
                                                              agreement with China known as "Panchsheel". Similar,
                                                              trends were started after the world wars that made
                                                              many countries suffer a lot and its repercussions still
                                                              haunt us. However, these agreements cannot always
                                                              guarantee us peace and stability in the region. We are
                                                              familiar with the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the
                                                              Panchsheel agreement did not bear fruit even after
                                                              years of signing the agreement. The negotiations from
                                                              the third party made the situation stable.

                                                              So, if any bilateral ties cannot stand its terms then we
                                                              are having a serious issue with the geopolitics. Also,
                                                              the interconnected trends are kind of transforming the
                                                              overall geopolitical nature around the world; there are

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