Page 15 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 15


             also vacuum created the fragile and failing states. The  foreign countries for mineral exploration. Example:
             nature of geopolitical instability has itself changes. No  Adani Enterprises ties up with Carmichael coal mine
             one could have thought of refugee crisis or ISIS coming  project in Australia.
             up just six years ago. It becomes natural that we expect
             such trends are going to affect the economic sector of Swot Analysis:
             few countries and can shake others around the world.  Strengths:
             India is growing very fast and its economy cannot just
                                                              Y  Rich and large mineral deposits in India
             stay in isolation. It has to develop new ties with the
             countries that are on equal footing. India should not  Y  Easy availability of labours
             be seen as just an economic partner but as a     Y  Low wage of labours
             geopolitical partner as well. India, today, cannot be  Y  Strategic locations
             ignored on this front as it has left behind the non-
                                                              Y  High demand of minerals
             aligned movement and it heading towards policies that
             are of national interests with allies like USA and Japan.  Weakness:
             However, relations are not always positive in nature.
                                                              Y  Outdated Mining technology
             Some are just very hard to negotiate. Our deep
             strategic and competitive relations with our neighbour,  Y  Poor infrastructure facility
             China, are not just limited to trade and commerce but  Y  Few innovations
             extends to bitter border relations along the North-East
                                                              Y  Unskilled labours
             states. It is a relation of both economic cooperation
             and strategic competition.                       Y  Accidents are high
                                                              Y  Hardly any Research and Development in the
             After we had a Doklam stand-off in 2017, the relation  sector
             between India and China got strained a bit and since
             then the competition got wilder. China is trying to Opportunities:
             make its presence all around the Indian Ocean. In  Y  India has large deposits unexplored
             2018, China started mining operations on its side of the
                                                              Y  Contract mining
             border with Arunachal Pradesh, where a huge deposits
                                                              Y  Information technology solutions in changing
             of Gold, Silver and other minerals are found. Because
             China also claims Arunachal Pradesh as a part of Tibet,  world
             the security around the border is under fragile  Y  Equipment procurement with maintenance and
             conditions. China's presence in the disputed region  repairs
             ofJammu and Kashmir is also bothering us a lot. These  Y  Opportunity in research and development
             tensions can really affect the economic strata of the  Y  Public Private Partnerships can become more
             nation. Mining being a capital intensive sector is always  feasible
             under threat.
                                                              Y  Outbound investment options
             Recent crisis in Middle East and West Asian countries are
             affecting our export as the presence of military and non-  Threats:
             military vessels around the Strait of Hormuz threatens the  Y  Field Encroachment by rivals
             vessels carrying goods which lead to loss in the trade.  Y  Politicians might create a conflict as they look
             Many minerals are exported from India and all those  down on this industry
             when do not find any market gets flooded in the domestic
                                                              Y  Strict environment rules
             market leading to price drop.
                                                              Major Players:
             International behaviour of any state is linked to its
             geography, history or culture. However, now it also  Y  National Mineral Development Corporation
             depends on the political system of the states involved.  Y  Vedanta
             We need to be little aware and diplomatically straight
                                                              Y  Hindustan Zinc
             with an honest approach to solve such issues to have
                                                              Y  Hindustan Copper
             a long bilateral or multilateral ties with nations around.
             Also, we have many industries that are tying up with  Y  Hindalco Industries

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