Page 23 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
P. 23

The market share of private insurers in first year premium  NEW POLICIES ISSUED: LIFE INSURERS
         was 28.89 percent in 2016-17 (29.46 percent in 2015-16).
                                                                                                        (In lakh)
         The same for LIC was 71.11 percent (70.54 percent in 2015-
         16). Similarly, in renewal premium, LIC continued to have  Insurer             2015-16      2016-17
         a higher share at 72.31 percent (73.87 percent in 2015-16)  LIC                 205.47       201.32
         when compared to 27.69 percent (26.13 percent in 2015-                          (1.86)       (-2.02)
         16) share of private insurers.                        Private Sector             61.92       63.24
                                                                                         (7.92)       (2.13)
         New Policies
                                                               Total                     267.38      264.56
         During 2016-17, life insurers issued 264.56 lakh new                            (3.20)       (-1.05)
         policies, out of which LIC issued 201.32 lakh policies (76.1
         percent of total new policies issued) and the private life  Note: Figures in brackets indicate growth (in percent) over
         insurers issued 63.24 lakh policies (23.9 percent of total  previous year
         new policies issued). While the private sector registered a
         growth of 2.13 percent in the number of new policies  Paid-up capital
         issued against the previous year, LIC registered a slight  The total capital of the life insurance companies as on 31st
         decline of 2.02 percent.                             March, 2017 was Rs. 26956.94 crore. During 2016-17, an
                                                              additional capital of Rs. 265.48 crore was brought in the
               MARKET SHARE : LIFE INSURERS                   industry by the private sector insurers.
                                                 (in percent)
                                                                   PAID UP CAPITAL* : LIFE INSURERS
           Insurer                  2015-16     2016-17
                                                                                                       (Rs. crore)
                         Regular Premium (1)
                                                               Insurer           As at    Additions    As at
           LIC                       46.83        44.31
                                                                              31st March,  during   31st March,
           Private Sector            53.17        55.69                          2016     2016-17      2017
           Total                     100.00      100.00        LIC              100.00      0.00      100.00
                          Single Premium (2)                   Private Sector  26591.46    265.48    26856.94

           LIC                       84.27        84.83        TOTAL           26691.46    265.48    26956.94
           Private Sector            15.73        15.17       * Excludes Share premium & Share application money
           Total                     100.00      100.00
                                                              Expenses of life insurers
                     First Year Premium (3 =(1+2))
                                                              Pursuant to Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015, Section
           LIC                       70.54        71.11
                                                              40B of Insurance Act, 1938 was amended and reads as under:
           Private Sector            29.46        28.89       “No insurer shall, in respect of insurance business transacted
           Total                     100.00      100.00       by him in India, spend as expenses of management in any
                                                              financial year any amount exceeding the amount as may be
                         Renewal Premium (4)
                                                              specified by the regulations made under this Act.”
           LIC                       73.87        72.31
                                                              Accordingly, IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurers
           Private Sector            26.13        27.69
                                                              transacting life insurance business) Regulations, 2016 were
           Total                     100.00      100.00
                                                              notified vide F.No. IRDAI/ Reg/14/126/2016 on 9th May 2016.
                   Total Premium (5 =(3+4)=(1+2+4))
           LIC                       72.61        71.81       These regulations prescribe the allowable limits of
                                                              expenses of management taking into account, inter alia, the
           Private Sector             27.39       28.19
                                                              type and nature of product, premium paying term and
           Total                     100.00      100.00       duration of insurance business. Further, for the financial

                             I learned that you can be successful if you get people to help you become successful.

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