Page 24 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
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year 2015-16, insurers had the option either to comply with      First Year Premium (3 =(1+2))
         these regulations or with the erstwhile provisions under  LIC                   6729.13     7496.18
         Rule 17D of the Insurance Rules, 1939.
                                                               Private Sector            3351.75     3886.60
         The overall commission expenses ratio (commission     Total                    10080.88    11382.78
         expenses  as a percentage of premiums) decreased                    Renewal Premium (4)
         marginally to 5.29 percent in 2016-17 from 5.52 percent
         in 2015-16. However, total commission increased by 9.13  LIC                    8771.20     9135.77
         percent (total premium growth 14.04 percent), regular  Private Sector           1414.61     1598.60
         commission increased by 11.78 percent (regular premium  Total                  10185.81    10734.37
         growth 16.64 percent), first year commission increased by
         12.91 percent (first year premium growth 26.26 percent)        Total Premium (5 =(3+4)=(1+2+4))
         and renewal  commission increased by 5.38 percent     LIC                      15500.33    16631.95
         (renewal premium growth 6.62 percent). The single     Private Sector            4766.36     5485.20
         premium has increased by 31.82 percent while single
                                                               Total                    20266.69    22117.15
         commission increased by 50.31 percent. However, there is
         some variation in the position when compared between      COMMISSION EXPENSE RATIO LIFE
         the private insurers and LIC, as reflected in Table I.14,
         providing bifurcation of the commission ratios for both                 INSURERS
         private and public sector life insurers.                                                     (In percent)
                                                               Insurer                  2015-16      2016-17
         The operating expenses of the life insurers increased by 18.98
         percent in 2016-17 (increased by 5.21 percent in 2015-16).            Regular Premium
         The operating expenses towards life insurance business stood  LIC                27.16       26.98
         at Rs. 46138.88 crore in 2016-17 (Rs. 38777.89 crore in 2015-  Private Sector    12.24       11.62
         16). The operating expenses of LIC increased by 27.59 percent
                                                               Total                      19.23       18.43
         and that of private insurers by 6.84 percent. For the industry
         as a whole, the operating expenses ratio increased from 10.57          Single Premium
         percent in 2015-16 to 11.03 percent in 2016-17. Operating  LIC                   0.35         0.41
         expenses, as a percent of gross premium underwritten  Private Sector             0.29         0.26
         increased for LIC from 8.52 percent in 2015-16 to 9.64  Total                    0.34         0.38
         percent. The same for private insurers decreased from                First Year Premium
         16.01percent in 2015-16 to 14.57 percent in 2016-17.
                                                               LIC                        6.87         6.02

          COMMISSION EXPENSES : LIFE INSURERS                  Private Sector             8.20         7.68
                                                  (Rs. crore)  Total                      7.26         6.50
           Insurer                  2015-16     2016-17                        Renewal Premium
                                                               LIC                        5.20         5.19
                         Regular Premium (1)
                                                               Private Sector             2.37         2.37
           LIC                      6473.19      7096.55
                                                               Total                       4.46        4.41
           Private Sector           3311.17      3840.52
                                                                                Total Premium
           Total                    9784.36     10937.07
                                                               LIC                        5.82         5.53
                          Single Premium (2)
                                                               Private Sector             4.74         4.65
           LIC                       255.94      399.63
                                                               Total                      5.52         5.29
           Private Sector            40.58        46.08
                                                              Note : Commission expense ratio is the ratio between
           Total                     296.52      445.71
                                                              commission and the premium underwritten by life insurers
                    It all sounds almost silly, but the fact is that the only way to change a corporate culture is to just change it.

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