Page 27 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
P. 27
Smart Future Plan
from Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of
Commerce Life Insurance
Product Summary Benefits
Policy Term 10/15/20/25 years Death benefit
The death benefits of this product are:
Premium Any premium paying term from 10 years to 20 years (in
X Sum Assured is paid on death
Payment complete years only). Premium payment term should always
Term be lower than or equal to policy term X All future premiums are funded
Premium Monthly and Annual by the Company as and when
Paying Modes due, in case of death or disability
(if opted)
Minimum Maximum
X Fund Value is paid at maturity
Entry Age 18 years Policy Age at Age at
(Life Assured) Term Entry Maturity At any point of time, the death benefit
(years) (years) (years) will not be less than 105% of the total
10 51 61 premiums paid.
Maturity Age 28 years 15 51 66
Maturity Benefit
(Life Assured) 20 49 69
At the end of the Policy Term, one
25 45 70 will receive the Fund Value.
Premium Policy Term Payment Mode No Limit
Premium Funding Benefit:
Annual Monthly
This benefit ensured that the future
10 years Rs 50,000 p.a. Rs 5,000 p.m.
of the child is not compromised, in
15/20/25 years Rs 25,000 p.a. Rs 3,000 p.m. case of the policyholder's death. The
Premium Option I: Death only policy continues with all the future
Funding Option II: Death or Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) premiums funded by the company
Benefit The option once chosen cannot be changed or opted out and the child receives the fund value
later at maturity.
Sum Assured For ages below 45 years: The maximum Sum Assured
If the policyholder has also opted for
Higher of (0.5 x policy term varies basis age and chosen Premium Funding Benefit for
x Annualized Premium) Or policy term and is subject to
disability, then in case of Total &
10 x Annualized Premium underwriting acceptance.
Permanent Disability, the company
Please refer the product
will fund all future premiums. The Life
For ages 45 years and brochure for compete details Cover will continue and Sum Assured
above: 7 x Annualized on maximum Sum Assured
will be payable on subsequent death
Premium multiple available under this
and fund value will be paid at maturity
to the child. T
Life Insurance Today March 2018 27