Page 37 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 37

LIC told to pay up over faulty increase in annual pre-                 AU Small Finance Bank

         mium                                                                   signs MoU with LIC to of-
         District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum directed Life Insurance Corpora-  fer PMJJBY
                                tion of India to refund around Rs 82,500 along with
                                9% interest per annum and pay Rs 35,000 as com-  Banking finance company AU Small
                                pensation for changing the annual premium amount                   Finance Bank
                                of the insurance midway, despite assurance that it                 has signed a
                                will remain the same till the end of the policy term.              MoU with LIC
                                                                                                   to     offer
                                The complainant Mahesh Kumar Goyal, stated that  Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima
                                he had taken Amulya Jeevan-I policy with an annual  Yojana (PMJJBY), a company official
         premium of Rs 16,050 for a term of 25 years. At the time of taking the policy,  said. Under the MoU, LIC will give a
         the complainant was specifically told by the agent that the premium would not  life cover of Rs 2 lakh in case of
         be changed till the date of last premium that was November 28, 2035. There-  death to the customer at a nominal
         after, the complainant paid premium for five years.
                                                                                premium of Rs 330 per annum.
         It was alleged that LIC through its letter dated July 21, 2016 unilaterally raised
                                                                                The company will also offer loans
         the premium from Rs 16,050 to Rs 25,350 per annum and desired the com-
                                                                                under government's affordable
         plainant to pay arrears of Rs 46,500 towards difference of premium. He sub-
                                                                                housing and subsidy schemes like
         mitted a complaint to LIC against the said enhancement, but to no avail.
                                                                                Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, he
         LIC in its reply said, "The insurance policy was underwritten by the zonal of-  added. He said the customers can
         fice and as per the underwriting decision the actual premium came out to be  avail loans up to Rs 1 crore. The
         Rs 25,350 instead of Rs 16,050. However, inadvertently at the time of accept-  product will be targeted for both
         ing the proposal, the revised premium of Rs.25,350 was not corrected in the  salaried and self- employed (profes-
         computer system, so the premium of Rs 16,050 was continued to be paid by  sional and non-professional) cus-
         the complainant until pointed out by the audit team in the year 2016-17.  tomers in urban, semi-urban, and
         LIC was then directed to refund the entire amount of premiums paid by Goyal  rural areas which is the bank's core
         along with interest at the rate 9% per annum. They were also asked to pay Rs  market segment.
         25,000 as relief and Rs 10,000 as litigation cost.
                                                                                LIC Housing Fin net dips a
         LIC adds Rs 60,000 cr to government's disinvestment                    tad

         kitty so far this fiscal                                               LIC Housing Finance reported lower
                                                                                net profit of Rs. 491
         Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), the country's largest insurer has put
                                                                                crore in the third
         almost Rs 60,000 crore in disinvestment op-
         portunities offered by the government so far                           quarter ended De-
         this fiscal. A senior LIC official said the com-                       cember 31, 2017,
         pany has booked Rs 20,000 crore as profit                              against Rs. 499
         from the equity market.                                                crore in the year-ago period. Net in-
                                                                                terest income dipped 2 per cent year-
         "Compared to last year, when we had booked                             on-year (y-o-y) to Rs. 898 crore (Rs.
         around Rs 19,000 crore as profit from the eq-                          915 crore in the year-ago period).
         uity market. This year, driven by the buoyancy                         During the quarter, disbursements
         in the markets, we have crossed Rs 20,000 crore," he said.             in the individual loan category rose
         The life insurer has set a target of Rs 38,000 crore as first premium income for  32 per cent to Rs. 11,324 crore. To-
         FY18. In FY17, LIC had invested Rs 47,000 crore in the equity market. Its total  tal disbursements, including devel-
         assets saw a growth by 14 percent to Rs 27.25 lakh crore for the six months  oper loans, were up 27 per cent at
         ended September 30, 2017 compared to same period last year.            Rs. 12,301 crore. Gross non-per-
                                                                                forming assets nudged up to 0.87
         Data from the Life Insurance Council showed that LIC had collected Rs 99783.33
         crore of first year premium for the April 1 to December 31, 2017 period, show-  per cent of total loans against 0.56
         ing a growth of 19.5 percent growth over same period last fiscal.      per cent in the year-ago quarter.
         Life Insurance Today                         February 2018                                           37

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