Page 41 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 41

IRDAI frames guidelines for insurance companies to set                 IRDAI asks general insur-
         up offices in SEZs                                                     ers to ensure easy avail-
         IRDAI has paved the way for setting up of IFSC (International Financial Services  ability of third-party mo-
                                   Centre) Insurance Offices (IIOs). With this, the
                                   IRDAI has put in place the process of registration  tor insurance cover
                                   and operation of insurers and re-insurers in IFSC
                                   Special Economic Zones, in alignment with the
                                   objectives of IFSC-SEZ. Insurers and re-insurers
                                   from India and abroad are eligible to apply for
         registration to set up IIOs, subject to certain norms.
         As per the IRDAI (Registration and Operations of IIOs) Guidelines, 2017, no
         person or entity shall commence or undertake insurance or reinsurance busi-
         ness from an IFSC without obtaining prior registration as an IIO from the Au-
                                                                                IRDAI has directed general insurers
         "The sole object of an IIO, on being registered with the Authority, shall be to  to ensure easy availability of third
         exclusively carry on insurance or reinsurance business from an IFSC. An IIO shall  party motor insurance cover to ve-
         not engage itself in any business other than those permitted by the Author-  hicle owners, to help states in
         ity," the regulator said.                                              implementing the Supreme Court
         The registered IIO may be permitted to transact direct insurance business within  order on road safety. IRDAI has also
         the IFSC, from other SEZs and from outside India.                      asked the insurers not to deny any
                                                                                request for third party insurance
         In the case of reinsurance business, the IIO may accept reinsurance business  cover by vehicle owners.
         from within the IFSC, from other SEZs and from outside India.
                                                                                This circular follows complaints
         It may also accept reinsurance business from insurers operating in the Domestic  made by the states that cumber-
         Tariff Area in accordance with the order of preference for cession, as per the  some process of obtaining third
         existing norms.
                                                                                party insurance is hampering imple-
         IIOs may be registered for carrying on business in various classes/sub-classes  menting the Supreme court order.
         of life, general, or health insurance as also reinsurance businesses.  The Supreme Court Committee on
         The applicant should have a minimum assigned capital of Rs.10 crore. In case  Road Safety had directed the states
         the applicant is a Foreign Direct Insurer, the applicant company shall possess  and union territories to periodically
         paid-up equity capital as per existing provisions.                     carry out checks to see whether ve-
                                                                                hicle owners have third party insur-
         IRDAI defers launch of standard proposal form for life                 ance cover. The order further said

         insurance policies                                                     that in case the vehicles are not cov-
                                                                                ered by Motor TP, they should be
         IRDAI has deferred the plan to introduce standard format for the proposal form  detained till valid third party insur-
         for life insurance. Insurance companies had                            ance certificate is produced by the
         raised concerns that a single standard proposal                        vehicle owners.
         form might not suit all types of products of dif-
         ferent companies.                                                      It also asked them to liaise with the
                                                                                police authorities to facilitate issue/
         "Prospective customers may not be comfort-                             renewal of third party liability policy
         able in sharing so many granular details. The
                                                                                to owners of the vehicles who are
         proposal forms are customised by life insurers
         for specific products and mandating a uniform                          not having third party cover.
         proposal form format for all companies and products serves no purpose, the  The insurers have also been asked to
         regulator said.                                                        provide facility to make available fa-
                                                                                cility for obtaining online Motor TP
         As of now the life insurers file proposal forms with IRDAI and the same is re-
         viewed under the file and-use procedure at the time of product clearance.
         Life Insurance Today                         February 2018                                           41

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