Page 40 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 40

Insurance Regulatory

         and Development

         Authority of IndiaNewsNews

          New regulations for bro-          Investment norms to undergo significant changes in life
          kers soon, says IRDAI             insurance
          chairman                          A committee set up by IRDAI has sug-  making it difficult, if not impossible, to
                                            gested many changes in the life insur-  provide competitive returns to the
          The Insurance Regulatory and De-
                          velopment Au-     ance sector, including investment  policyholders. Referring to customers'
                          thority of India  norms, to improve the investment re-  "reasonable expectation", it said life
                          (Irdai) will soon  turns. Insurers would be able to allo-  insurance savings products were often
                          be releasing new  cate a greater corpus in stocks if the  compared with products offered by
                          regulations for   recommedations are accepted.       banks such as fixed deposits .
                          brokers as the de-  IRDAI had notified the Non- Linked In-  The report also observed that the ex-
                          mand for insur-   surance Products Regu-                       pectation of generating a
                          ance broking is   lations, 2013 and IRDAI                      return of at least 8 per
          growing steadily with 428 brokers in  (Linked Insurance Prod-                  cent per annum was a "tall
          the industry as on today, according  ucts) Regulations in Feb-                 order", given that at least
          to TS Vijayan, Irdai chairman.
                                            ruary, 2013. IRDAI said                      50 per cent of the assets
          He said that the insurance industry  that it was observed                      of the insurer are manda-
          is active and is growing in double  that there was a need to                   torily to be backed by gov-
          digits across segments and the    review the regulations because of the  ernment securities (G-Secs), which
          growth is being fuelled by increasing  changing market and economic envi-  yield about 6.7-7.2 per cent annually.
          adoption of technology and        ronment.
          digitisation of insurance processes                                  The panel has suggested to "lower the
          for the benefit of the customers.  IRDA  constituted an eight-member  mandatory proportion of 'G-Secs' in
                                            committee to make recommendations
          Addressing the 14th Insurance Brokers  on the amendments required in the  the life fund and the pension and gen-
          Association Summit (IBAI), he said,                                  eral annuity funds and allow for higher
          “We have sent the new broker regula-  regulations. The committee in its re-  exposure in alternative higher yielding
          tions for the Gazette notification with  port has recommended that the in-  assets (like equity or property) or high
          some changes. It will be out soon. The  vestment norms "should undergo sig-  rated corporate bonds". According to
          redrafted regulations will help in gov-  nificant change" to improve the re-  IRDAI data, life insurance penetration
          erning the brokers and maximize value  turns generated by the funds while  surged from 2.15 per cent in 2001 to
          for the policy holders.”          taking account of the risks inherent in  4.60 per cent in 2009. Since then, it
                                            various asset classes.
          He said that brokers must make claim                                 has exhibited a declining trend reach-
          settlements more transparent by   The report said the current invest-  ing 2.6 per cent in 2014, marginally in-
          adopting technology and asked them  ment norms were quite restrictive,  creasing to 2.72 per cent in 2016.
          to improve insurance penetration
          across cities. Life insurance has not
          even touched 4 per cent and general
          insurance is much lower, he said.

          40                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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