Page 39 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 39

Life policies sale falls in       Government planning social security scheme with pen-
          2016-2017                         sion and insurance cover

          The total number of life insurance  The central government is working on the blueprint for a social security scheme
                               policie s                        that is specifically aimed as a safety net for workers in
                               sold in In-                      the informal labour sector. The draft social security code,
                               dia fell in                      drafted by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, aims
                               2016-17 as                       for universal coverage that includes those who are out-
                               compared                         side the ambit of the EPFO and the ESIC. The scheme
          to the previous year but the total                    envisages mandatory pension, insurance against disabil-
          coverage increased 14% in value.                      ity and death, and maternity coverage, alongside optional
                                                                medical and unemployment coverage.
          The total number of policies sold  Consultations are on with states to bring them on board for part-financing the
          during the year fell to 264.56 lakh
                                            scheme, which could be launched later this year around the time of key state
          from 267.38 lakh a year ago while  elections and ahead of the upcoming 2019 general polls.
          the total cover increased to Rs.
                                            "At the present moment, in both EPFO and ESIC, the employer contributes and
          4,18,476.62 crore from Rs.
          3,66,943.23 crore, according to the  equal amount is contributed by the employee also. If you are covering the en-
                                            tire population, there will be one segment which will not be able to contrib-
          latest annual report issued by the
          Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  ute at all. Now, for the segment below the poverty line, the government plans
                                            to foot the entire bill, in which case it has to be shared between the states
          ment Authority.
                                            and the Centre. So we need to bring the states on board," a senior labour
          A total of 264.65 lakh new life insur-  ministry official said.
          ance policies were issued during the
          year, with the Life Insu-rance Corpo-  Canara HSBC Life starts video service for real-time cus-
          ration accounting for 201.32 lakh  tomer engagement
          policies. The state-run corporation's
                                            Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Co Ltd has started a video
          share fell 2.02 per- centage points
          over the previous year to 76.1%.  service that seeks to improve customer engagement. "This
                                            is part of our engagement strategy where we are using digi-
          Private sector life insurers issued  tal. Digital is the future in this country. A big portion of our
          63.24 lakh or 23.9% of total new  engagement strategy will be driven through digital,"
          policies issued, with their share in-  Shalabh Saxena, Chief Operating Officer, Canara HSBC Ori-
          creasing 2.13 percentage points   ental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Co, told.
          over the previous year. "The contri-  This video service initiative comes close on the heels of the
          bution of protection was abysmally  company tapping into social-media sites - Facebook, Twit-
          low in the last decade," said Birla  ter and Linkedin - for customer services. Under the video service, a customer
          Sun Life Insurance managing direc-  can go to the website of the company and click on the video service icon to di-
          tor Pankaj Razdan.                rectly engage with the company for various service requests, said Saxena.

          "Despite strong growth in premium,  "This will be like Facetime and WhatsApp video. A lot of customers prefer look-
          the protection gap has remained   ing at the face of a company representative than interact only via voice. This
          very high. With focus, scale and bet-  will be real-time video engagement," he said. The life insurer feels that digital
          ter life expectancy assumptions ow-  initiatives will enhance efficiency, besides helping the company better under-
          ing to impro- ving healthcare, mor-  stand the "pulse of the customers".
          tality charges are down 30-50%."  Video services can be accessed by a customer through a smartphone, camera-
                                            enabled laptop or a desktop with camera, said Saxena, adding that customer
          While LIC reported 12.78% growth
          in their premium income, private  engagement in the coming days would drive revenues and retention and even
                                            lead to repeat purchases. "Customer service in the coming days is going to be
          sector life insurers posted a 17.40%
                                            recognised as a revenue line. Now most companies see it as a cost. This has to
                                            change in the current digital era," he said.
         Life Insurance Today                         February 2018                                           39

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