Page 347 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 347

Miscellaneous Insurance

(iii) The insured bank is expected to take all reasonable
    steps to safeguard the property insured, to secure
    all doors, windows and other openings, safe, strong
    rooms etc.

(iv) The accounts are to be audited annually by the
    Banks Auditors.

(v) Any amount payable by the insured to the employee,
    in respect of whom, a claim is made, are to be
    adjusted in priority with the claim amount. Any
    money recovered after claim settlement becomes
    the property of Insurance Company.

Q5.a) A Money Policy is issued with a par carrying
        limit of Rs.8 lacs and an estimated annual
        carrying limit of Rs.1 crore. One day, when
        Rs. 10 lacs cash was being brought from the
        bank, one of the two bags containing Rs.5 lacs
        was snatched in a hold up. What would be the
        liability of the Insurance Company?

Ans. Par carrying limit = Rs.8 lacs
         Estimated annual carrying limit = Rs. 1 crore

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