Page 351 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 351
Miscellaneous Insurance
windows or show cases of commercial
establishments. Glass including embossing, lettering
or ornamental work can be included, if stated in the
Schedule of the policy.
Unless specifically mentioned, the schedule of the policy
glass means plate glass and does not include any
embossing, silvering, lettering or any ornamental work.
Damage to frames, and the cost of removal and
replacement of any fittings and fixtures necessitated for
replacing the damaged plans are not covered under the
The policy also does not cover the replacement or
repair of cracked or imperfect class or any loss arising
from the interruption of the insured is business during
the period between the breakage and replacement.
The policy covers the actual breakage of glass and
not any scratches or superficial damage.
The business is accepted as accommodation only. If
need be, inspections can be carried out to verify earlier
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