Page 253 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 253
triggered his motivation to improve his qualification. He also later told
me that he had gone for regular tuition to clear the examination.
I got an opportunity to work as CFO of a company in Singapore and left
the bank. I left India and returned after 4 years. I visited the same branch
once and found this man on the counter in his role as a clerical assistant.
He spotted me and requested me to come inside and have a seat in front
of him. He was very happy to meet me and exhibited his gratitude for
persistent motivation that helped him to clear the exam and earn this
promotion. He looked in much better health also. He did not allow me
to move from the seat until all my tasks got done for which he himself
was running around from one seat to the other. I was really overwhelmed
to see that by my exhortations, this man had got his due which he really
deserved for long.
Insights from the episode
1. Education is a great differentiator.
2. Mentor and motivate your employees to put them on growth path.
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250 | A Banker down the Rabbit Hole