Page 290 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 290

86. Application of the learning by

           others also worked -Coming out of a


           To apply or not to apply for a corporate sector position
           - a dilemma

           One of our senior faculties who was very capably heading Management
           Development Programme (MDP) Centre at BIMTECH, resigned from her
           position. She came to meet me as a courtesy call. She divulged that she
           had benefitted from the anecdote I had once narrated in Friday Town
           Hall Meeting of faculty at BIMTECH.

           She narrated that she had been aspiring to join the corporate sector as
           Senior Training Consultant for long but did not apply for such a position
           thinking that she would not get through. After listening to my anecdote
           she started applying for such positions instead of rejecting her own
           application herself.

           The result was that after a few attempts, she got a job at a company that
           she highly desired. She thanked me but I did not take any credit as it was
           her capability and competence that got her this position.

           Insights from the episode
           1.  We must make an application or request to the right person with
               our justifications without presuming that it will not be acceded to.

           2.  We should not reject our own application.
           3.  "The difference between winning and losing is most often not
               quitting." - Walt Disney

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