Page 22 - Insurance Times October 2019
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2. Viewing cyber security as the responsibility of the
                                                                 Information Technology Deptt.

                                                              3. Believing security threats are external and not internal
                                                                 or accidental

                                                              4. Thinking a cloud provider is responsible for backup and
                                                                 security of all information

                                                              5. Failing to use cloud hosted email securely

                                                              Most executives make these five mistakes, according to the
                                                              report. Senior executives fail to realize that they are prime
                                                              targets for cybercriminals, which is potentially a result of
                                                              their view that cyber security is an IT responsibility that
                                                              doesn't have anything to do with their executive positions.

                                                              IT security has now become the remit of all individuals,
         cybercrime continues, organisations must be increasingly
                                                              especially those in the highest positions of each
         vigilant and increasingly well-equipped technologically, to
         protect themselves from sophisticated attacks. In this way,  department and senior executives need to take ownership
                                                              for IT security best practices in their day-to-day behaviour.
         digital transformation becomes both a critical contributing
                                                              Another common mistake among senior executives is that
         factor in the problem of growing cyber risks today-and a
         critical resource for solving it.                    they believe cyber security threats are attacks that happen
                                                              to the business by some external malicious actor rather
                                                              than being the result of internal threats or accidents.
         IT managers need endpoint detection and response (EDR)
         technology that exposes threat starting points and the
                                                              Many top executives also reportedly believe that a cloud
         digital footprints of attackers moving laterally through a
                                                              provider is responsible for the backup and security of all
         network. On average, Indian organizations that investigate
                                                              information, though they fail to use cloud hosted email
         one or more potential security incidents each month spend
                                                              securely.  However, cybercriminals know that top executives
         48 days a year (four days a month) investigating them.
                                                              often have privileged access to company information, so
         Senior executives are the weakest link in            hackers intentionally target their personal accounts.
                                                              Professional hackers and adversaries will usually do a
         the cyber security chain                             thorough investigation into a senior executive or board level

         A new report 'Are you the weakest link? How senior   director, including full analysis which could entail in-depth
         executives can avoid breaking the cyber security chain' from  monitoring of the company website and associated social
         The Bunker, a UK cloud security firm, finds that despite  media accounts.
         their high-ranking positions, senior executives are
         reportedly the weak link in the corporate cyber security  Reviewing corporate policies, with a focus on people,
         chain. According to the report, many senior executives  premises, processes, systems and suppliers will provide
         ignore the threat from cybercriminals and often feel that  valuable insights into which areas to improve, and by
         security policies in their respective organisations do not  championing a 'security first' corporate culture,
         apply to their unique position. The report finds that cyber-  organisations and their senior executives will be well
         criminals often target this known vulnerability and finds the  positioned to avoid the high financial costs, reputational
         senior executives guilty of a bit of grandiosity who disregard  damage and unexpected downtime that could result from
         cyber security threats and policies.                 a cyber-attack or data breach.

         The top five mistakes with respect to                Are 'silent' cyber-risks really silent?

         cyber security                                       Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty's winter/spring 2019
         1. Not realising they are a prime target for cybercriminals  edition of Global Risk Dialogue speaks about 'silent' cyber

          22  The Insurance Times, October 2019
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