Page 27 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 27


         IN HEALTH

         INSURANCE - THE

         WAY FORWARD

         M           anaging risk in health care and health   Market is fiercely competitive and every health insurance

                     insurance plays a seminal role in protecting
                                                              company is vying each other to take away other's pie and
                     the interest of policyholder, distribution and
                                                              share of market so companies are highly concentrating on
                     of course companies itself.
                                                              claim management which involves legal tangle also since
                                                              people are becoming more and more knowledgeable and
         People cannot predict the timing and health care expenses  they know how to get the claim through Ombudsman,
         required during treatment and hospitalisation including cost  Consumer Court, IRDAI and other legal accessories which
         of operation for which they buy health policy preferably  companies are usually averse of getting into. It has direct
         cashless health policy which is meant for saviour to them
                                                              bearing on market goodwill and certainly sales get affected.
         during the time of crisis.
                                                              The Role of Risk Managers
         Major risk is borne by of course the company where they
                                                              Y  Identify risk in system or potential risk
         undertake the risk of payment to the policyholder in case
         of any eventualities happens in rare case they repudiate the  Y  Analyse and evaluate risk in systematic manner
         claim on the ground of pre-existing disease, suppression of  Y  Develop a well defined approach of risk management
         facts or any other clauses which is duly mentioned in the
         policy schedule as exclusion clause.                 Y  Implement the system in place
                                                              Y  Monitor the system ineffective manner
         It is imperative that in the health care or health insurance
                                                              Y  Compare, be suggestive and receptive to any new
         organisation it should have qualified risk managers to
         identify, assess, develop, implement and monitor the risk  innovative ideas
         management process within the well-defined spectrum of  Y  Involve the employee, salespeople, even agents,
         minimizing the risk exposure keeping in mind safety, patient  experts to reduce and balancing risk
         care and mostly management of finance and image of the
                                                              Y  Assimilate and integrate different departments to
         company since goodwill of the health insurance, its business  develop a full proof mechanism.
         and presence in the market depends how fast they settle
         the claim within the stipulated time frame.          Y  Integrate the sales management process and the
                                                                 managers involve with the claim management process
                               About the author               Y  Educate and train the people time to time the whole
                                                                 gamut of system so that every people rather all the
                         Bilwa Banerjee                          department run in tandem and align every one into
                         Sr. Manager                             one objective that is reduction of cost and better
                         Reliance Nippon life insurance          profitability not harming the patient's interest and
                                                                 maintaining goodwill.

                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2019 27
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