Page 28 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 28

Importance of Risk Pooling in Health                 Y  Adequacy of existing system vis-à-vis the available
                                                                 resource to administer.
                                                              Y  Feasibility of investment strategy
         We all know the importance of pooling in insurance, be it
         life, health or other general insurance category, where  Y  Tailor-made customised innovative products suits and
         people pay premia to create well spread out composite   balance both company and customer
         diverse risk profile to cross-subsidize the risk management  Y  Need strong coordination among all the departments
         that is low-risk people to pay high-risk people's medical  and work in tandem.
         expenses. Research reveals that top 5% people engulfs 50%
         of health expense. Rather claim fund .this is a pure uneven  How Risk Manager Optimises Claim in
         distribution and unhealthy skewed forms of Risk pooling the Indian Health Insurance Company -
         though it is not ideal but pragmatic and practical in nature  Current Scenario
         and that exactly the way all companies manages the risk
                                                              Broadly the role of risk manager and the health insurance
         exposure so that no bad blood creeps into the system to
         bleed the system in future.                          companies are operating in India can be construed as
                                                              harbinger always to mitigate the risk so that claim comes very
                                                              rare though practically it does not happen, the reputation
         Role of Enterprise Risk Management
                                                              gets enhanced due to the proper claim management of the
         (ERM)                                                company. Company encourages zero claim paying the no
         Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is considered as most  claim bonus (NCB), there are end number of exclusions in
         comprehensive proactive, integrated, composed, holistic  the policy that ensures management of undue risk within a
         approach across the organisation irrespective of the  certain magnitude and unnecessary infiltration of claims.
         departments or operations which takes all the core functions  The actual tenet on which health insurance companies
         into account in the broader spectrum of corporate governance  operate is paying genuine claim but repudiate the
         and correlates all the major activities into a collaborative  ingenuine, fraud cases which escalates unwanted burden
         approach which optimises the risk exposure and unwanted  of the company and inflates the cost which is undue. If
         hazards to enhance the productivity and profitability.  company smells any malpractice in the claim process would
                                                              raise numerous questions and sometimes it turns into
         A Robust ERM framework enables the insurer to identify  rejection of claim or rejection of cashless claim or ends up
         measure, analyse, control, report monitor and suggest all  into a legal battle, consumer court, ombudsman which is
         material risks in better way to align health companies'  not desirable in eye of relationship, now due to the advent
         corporate culture and objective with the strategic goals into  of portability in the health insurance 50% of the existing
         a single realm.                                      policy is getting ported to different companies not getting
                                                              proper treatment from the companies.
         ERM Entails and Encompasses the
                                                              In the meantime, premium has increased manifold more or
         Following Areas                                      less in all the health insurance companies over the last five
         Y   Scope and level of coverage including the chance of  years. People are also becoming aware about the charges,
             options and guarantees                           premium rate, claim Ratio of all the companies hence prior
                                                              to taking any health policy nowadays people are all
         Y   Acceptance of risk exposure in relation to the
             established risk strategies                      comparing themselves or through Policy bazaar.
         Y   Ascertain the proper pricing mechanism including the  Actually, companies are playing with the features, if some
             implied nature of risk                           companies are giving refill benefits other company paying
                                                              'no co-pay' option, maybe a other company is paying
         Y   Suitability of channels of distributions
                                                              benefits for maximum relationship eighteen nineteen,
         Y   Robustness of underwriting guidelines and criteria's  other company resorting to no age bar feature or
             taken all possible angle of risks into account and  hospitalisation without any room rent limit, some other
             remedies to counter the existing as well as potential risk.  giving top-up facility hence it is the spectrum of benefits
         Y   Availability of reinsurance option depends on the  ultimately benefits reaching to the customers at a very
             gravity of risk involve.                         competitive rate with faster claim process.
         Y   Projection of solvency and profitability under different  The article  is writer's  own composed and his current
             scenario                                         company is noway related to it.  T

          28  The Insurance Times, October 2019
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