Page 24 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 24

Better response to regulators and rating             National Cyber Security Advisor. It will have in excess of
                                                              1,000 specialists will's identity dispersed into various
         agencies                                             developments of the Army, Navy, and IAF. As per reports,

         The new strategy will help Allianz better measure its cyber  the new Defense Cyber Agency will have both hostile and
         exposure and respond to regulators and rating agencies.  cautious limit. The Defense Cyber Agency is viewed as an
         With these efforts, Allianz aims to be able to better manage  antecedent of a digital direction. After reports that Russia
         the cyber aggregation risk in its PC portfolios to deal with  interfered in the US decisions by hacking machines and
         large-scale cyber loss scenarios that could potentially affect  making purposeful publicity on the web and the ongoing
         multiple policyholders at the same time. Today's business  ransomware and other digital assaults being credited to
         environment is global and highly-interconnected, increasing  North Korea, digital fighting is picking up the significance.
         an organization's probability of cyber threats. Organizations
         must remain secure, vigilant, and resilient to both minimize  Insurers are lobbying the IRDAI to allow them to hold a
         risk and optimize new opportunities.                 100% stake in InsurTech start-ups in India .Existing rules
                                                              prevent insurers from acquiring a stake of more than 10%
         Given India's fast-growing affinity towards technology and  stake in such start-ups due to which they are unable to
         its services, it is important that the country's businesses  access the propriety software developed by these
         take more active steps towards cyber security.  As we  companies. Many insurers are still using legacy software at
         accelerate towards becoming a trillion-dollar digital  the back end and are unable to compete with tech-savvy
         economy, building the right framework for cyber resilience  firms as they leverage technology in various areas of their
         and security is critical for the country.            operations from fraud detection to cross-selling of
                                                              insurance plans.
         The government on its part has taken a number of
         initiatives in this direction; however, the involvement of  Insurers, as an industry, have made a presentation to IRDAI
                                                              to allow them to own a 100% stake in these companies. On
         each citizen and all organizations to make it a collective and
                                                              the other hand, there are comments that the insurance
         coordinated movement is must for the success of the cyber
         secure eco system. India currently ranks 15th in a list of the  companies are not doing enough to cater to Internet-savvy
         world's least secure countries with respect to cyber  millenials who form one-third of India's population. But
                                                              some progress is noted. Earlier, the IRDAI said that it is
         security, according to a study conducted by security portal
                                                              working on creating a regulatory sandbox to support
                                                              InsurTech. It goes without saying that IT will be hands-on
         Nowadays Cyber Crime is a serious issue in India. Indian  in getting your cyber security initiative off the ground.
         government is aware of this and have established separate  Your IT team should be up-to-date on the latest security
         department called Cyber Crime Police Department, which
                                                              best practices and should help provide insight on how to
         tracks the hackers and their cyber crime activities.
                                                              best convert your goals into a functional plan suitable for
         According to RBI's Information Technology Framework for  your organization's internal systems. As per the report,
         the NBFC Sector, it has become mandatory for the non  India continues to be second most impacted by spam and
         banking industries to incorporate Information Security  bots, third most impacted by network attacks, and fourth
         framework bench marked to best practices.
                                                              most impacted by ransomware.
         The focus of the proposed IT framework is on IT      References:
         Governance, IT Policy, Information & Cyber Security, IT
         Operations, IS Audit, Business Continuity Planning and IT
         Services Outsourcing. These directions are categorized into
         two parts, those which are applicable to all NBFCs with
         asset size above Rs. 500 crore (Considered systemically
         important) and NBFCs with asset size below Rs 500 crore.
         The legislature is, at last, responding to the danger with an  medical-regulator
         arrangement to make another tri-benefit organization for  4.
         digital fighting.                                       Financial+Services/
         The Defense Cyber Agency will work as a team with the  5.  Newspapers & Journals

          24  The Insurance Times, October 2019
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