Page 54 - Banking Finance October 2022
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          RBI/2022-23/115                                        shall be applicable in respect of exposures guaranteed
                                                                 under any existing or future schemes launched by
                                          September 15, 2022
                                                                 CGTMSE, CRGFTLIH and NCGTC satisfying the following
          1.  Please refer to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 120 dated  conditions:
             April 10, 2014 on ‘Rupee Drawing Arrangement –      i.  Prudential Aspects: The guarantees provided
             Direct to Account Facility’, in terms of which, foreign  under the respective schemes should comply with
             inward remittances received under Rupee Drawing         the requirements for credit risk mitigation in terms
             Arrangement (RDA) can be transferred to  the KYC        of paragraph 7.5 of the Master Circular on Basel
             compliant beneficiary bank accounts through electronic  III Capital Regulations dated April 1, 2022 which
             mode,  such  as,  NEFT,  IMPS,  etc.  subject  to  the  inter alia requires such guarantees to be direct,
             procedure and conditions mentioned therein.             explicit, irrevocable and unconditional;
          2.  As  announced  in  Para  6  of  the  Statement  on  ii.  Restrictions on permissible  claims: Where the
             Developmental and Regulatory Policies issued on August  terms of the guarantee schemes  restrict  the
             05, 2022, it has been decided to allow foreign inward   maximum permissible claims through features like
             remittances  received  under  the  Rupee  Drawing       specified extent of guarantee coverage, clause on
             Arrangement (RDA), to be transferred to  the KYC        first loss absorption by member lending institutions
             compliant bank account of the biller (beneficiary)      (MLI), payout cap, etc., the zero percent risk
             through Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), subject to   weight  shall  be  restricted  to  the  maximum
             the conditions mentioned in Para 3 of A.P. (DIR Series)
                                                                     permissible claim and the residual exposure shall
             Circular No.120 dated April 10, 2014.
                                                                     be subjected to risk weight as applicable to the
          3.  AD Cat-I Banks may bring the contents of this circular  counterparty in terms of extant regulations.
             to the notice of their constituents concerned.
                                                                 iii. In  case of a portfolio-level guarantee, effective
          4.  The directions contained  in this  circular have been  from  April  1,  2023,  the  extent  of  exposure
             issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the     subjected to first loss absorption by the MLI, if any,
             Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999)      shall be subjected to full capital deduction and the
             and are without prejudice to permissions/approvals, if  residual exposure shall be subjected to risk weight
             any, required under any other law.                      as applicable to  the counterparty in terms of
                                                                     extant  regulations,  on  a  pro  rata  basis.  The
          (Vivek Srivastava)                                         maximum capital charge shall be capped at a
          Chief General Manager                                      notional level arrived at by treating the entire
                                                                     exposure as unguaranteed.
          Review  of  Prudential  Norms  –  Risk
                                                              3. Further, subject to the aforementioned prescriptions at
          Weights for Exposures guaranteed by                    paragraph 2 above, any future scheme launched under
          Credit Guarantee Schemes (CGS)                         any of the aforementioned Trust Funds, in order to be
                                                                 eligible for zero percent risk weight, shall provide for
                                                                 settlement of the eligible guaranteed claims within
                                          September 07, 2022     thirty days from the date  of lodgement, and the
                                                                 lodgement shall be permitted within sixty days from the
          1.  Please refer to paragraph 5.2 of the Master Circular
                                                                 date of default.
             on Basel III Capital Regulations dated April 1, 2022 in
                                                              4. Some illustrative examples of risk weights applicable on
             terms of which banks are permitted to apply zero
                                                                 claims guaranteed under specific existing schemes are
             percent risk weights in respect of claims  on  Credit
                                                                 given in the Annex.
             Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
             (CGTMSE), Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust for Low  5. The above regulatory stipulation shall be applicable to
             Income Housing (CRGFTLIH) and individual schemes    all the regulated entities to whom this circular is
             under National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd  addressed, to the extent these entities are recognised
             (NCGTC).                                            as eligible MLIs under the respective schemes.
          2.  In order to have a consistent approach with regard to
             risk weights for exposures guaranteed by such Trust  (Manoranjan Mishra)
             Funds, it is advised that the risk weight of zero percent  Chief General Manager

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