Page 51 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 51


          WHY UPI SHOULD


          Historically, one of the defining characteristics of almost all  for the public and productivity gains for the economy. There
          central banks has been the monopoly rights over issue and  is no consideration in Government to levy any charges for
          management of currency notes.                       UPI services.”

          This was to suit the economic needs of a nation. It’s a  Unified Payments Interface or UPI is today a household
          monopoly  cast  on  central  banks  by  statute  in  most  name recording over 14.55 billion transactions valued at Rs.
          jurisdictions. By making available adequate quantity of cash,  26.19 trillion (Q1 2022). Systems like UPI, IMPS and RuPay
          central banks grease the economic wheels at an affordable  are owned and operated by National Payments Corporation
          cost.                                               of India (NPCI), which is a non-profit entity and “an umbrella
                                                              organisation for retail payment systems.” Significantly, one
          In keeping with the times and advancement in computer  of the objectives of NPCI has been to take initiatives that
          and communications technology, central banks have taken  “will contribute towards achieving cashless society.” NPCI is
          the lead in developing various payment products, outside  not just a Section 8 company under Companies Act, 2013.
          the traditional cash-based payment system, with a view to
                                                              It is now a group having two wholly-owned subsidiaries under
          reducing cost and enhancing user convenience.
                                                              its belt. As per the balance sheet (FY 2020-21) of NPCI, the
                                                              group is prohibited by its objects to carry out any activity
          Currency or cash has always come without any charge to
                                                              on commercial basis.
          the users. Not so with electronic payment products for which
          customers or beneficiaries in transactions have had to bear
          a small amount of  fees imposed by  Payment System Is UPI subsidised?
          Participants (PSPs), Payment System Operators (PSOs), Card
                                                              It need be mentioned that the Government had budgeted
          Networks, Intermediaries, Third Party PSOs, etc.
                                                              Rs. 1,500 crore for FY 2021-22 towards reimbursement of
                                                              charges for RuPay debit card and UPI transactions. Similar
          So, when the RBI recently  placed  in  public domain  a
                                                              financial support has also been announced for FY 2022-23.
          ‘Discussion Paper on Charges in Payment Systems’, seeking  Further, the Government had also amended the Payments
          public feedback, it was only stating the obvious that “in any  and  Settlement  Systems  Act  (PSS  Act),  to make  the
          economic activity, including payment systems, there does  merchant discount rate (MDR) for both the aforesaid
          not seem to be any justification for a free service, unless  products zero, effective January 1, 2020.
          there is an element of public good and dedication of the
          infrastructure for the welfare of the nation.”      This article contends that it is the statutory obligation of the
                                                              RBI to operate any retail Funds Transfer System that  de
          One particular proposal, however,  attracted immediate  facto functions as a substitute for currency. Further, UPI, by
          reaction of the Union Government and it was quick to assert  definition, is not a  part of the ‘Funds Transfer Payment
          that “UPI is a digital public good with immense convenience  System’,  like  NEFT,  RTGS  and  IMPS,  necessitating

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