Page 47 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 47


             If AA approves, PPIRP is completed and resolution plan
             will be implemented
                                                              The introduction of the Pre-Pack insolvency for the MSME
             If not, AA to pass order of Termination of PPIRP  has fortified the Indian Insolvency Resolution Framework.
                                                              It serves to promote the IBC objectives in achieving steady
             30 days' time frame for AA to pass above orders from
                                                              and smoother resolution of the distressed organization.
             the date of receipt of application
                                                              While currently the Pre-Pack is limited to Micro, Small and
          Challenges and Drawbacks/Concerns:
                                                              medium enterprise, the Government plans to roll out it for
             TRANSPARENCY: The success of Pre-Packs shall greatly  other Corporate as  well. The success  and the failure of
             depend on the transparency with which the existing  MSME Pre-pack should be kept into consideration while
             management works coupled with the role played by the  drafting the Pre-pack scheme for other Corporate.
             Resolution Professional. The approach  of both  the
             creditor and the debtor to operate, in the best interest  Pre-packed deals are new in India, whereas in countries such
             of the company is required to be ingrained in the  as the UK and the US, such deals are common. This newly
             working of various stakeholders.                 introduced framework for MSMEs, inter alia providing for
                                                              quick and cost-effective resolution, may fairly be expected
                                                              to further strengthening both the financial and operational
             Under the Ordinance, the Resolution plan does  not
                                                              position of MSMEs, importantly under the prevailing Covid-
             attain finality, even after the consent of 66% of the
                                                              19 crisis.
             Financial Creditors, until the Adjudicating Authority/
             NCLT approves it. Such approvals are not only time
                                                              MSME  borrowers can retain  control  of the firm and
             consuming but also results in an element of uncertainty
                                                              negotiate a settlement with lenders without going through
             being cast on the process of the entire pre-pack scheme.
                                                              the entire IBC process that saves time and money. Further,
             Such an element of uncertainty gravely prejudices the
                                                              adopting a plan evaluation process  akin to the Swiss
             success of a Pre-Pack.
                                                              Challenge retains competitive tension such that promoters
             Efforts for marketing of pre-pack companies for sale
                                                              propose plans with the least impairment to rights and claims
             may be insufficient: The experience gained in other
                                                              of creditors.
             countries like US, UK that the quality of marketing of
             businesses that intend to pre-pack was very less. The
                                                              It is expected and emphasized that if the pre-pack system
             evidence of research (in  countries where adopted)  is  implemented  well,  it  would  lead  to  smoother
             shows that where no marketing is carried out, pre-packs  implementation of resolution plans, would promote growth
             return less money to creditors.                  and keep the company as a going concern while retaining
             Valuation methodology: The valuation may be limited  jobs and ensuring creditors receive the funds due to them.
             to certain assets, normally the assets and property, but  Especially during these difficult  financial  times,  it  is
             not the intellectual property or goodwill. More could  imperative that such a system would only yield fruitful results
             be done to explain the valuation methodology.    and would have more pros than cons.
             Concerns about due consideration may be given to the
                                                              The government needs to further augment the NCLT's
             future viability of the new company or not.
                                                              infrastructure so that pre-packs can be implemented in time-
             Current NCLT infrastructure may be insufficient to
                                                              bound manner. The government may consider setting up
             handle the pre-packs  resolution process.  As  it is
                                                              specific benches looking at pre-pack and insolvency above a
             expected that, due to Covid, that a lot of companies
                                                              certain size to expedite the resolution of large cases in a
             would be pushed into insolvency in the coming times
                                                              time-bound manner.
             and lot of cases will be referred to NCLT.
             Banks do not typically take many MSMEs to IBC courts  As  with  any legislation, this Ordinance will also need  to
             as the loan value will be typically lower. Most IBC cases  evolve as it goes along to address implementation issues
             involve medium and large companies.              that will arise.

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