Page 46 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 46


             India from  trading in securities or  accessing the  A Corporate prepares a Base Resolution to Financial
             securities markets;                                 Creditor.
             has been a promoter or in the management or control  Approval from financial creditors (other than related
             of  a  corporate  debtor  in  which  a  preferential  parties) is a prerequisite for the filing of an application
             transaction, undervalued  transaction, extortionate  for initiating PPIRP. (Representing not less than 66%, in
             credit transaction or fraudulent transaction has taken  value of the financial debt due to such creditors)
             place and in respect of which an order has been made
                                                                 Financial Creditor can propose name of IRP with 66%
             by the Adjudicating Authority under this Code.
                                                                 of Voting (value of financial debt)
                                                                 Corporate Debtor needs to file an application with the
          Other General Prerequisite conditions
                                                                 NCLT under Section 54C for initiating PPIRP within 90
             During the period of three years preceding the initiation
                                                                 days, complying with other applicable provisions of the
             date the CD
                 Not undergone PPIRP,
                                                                 The NCLT shall, within a period of fourteen days of the
                 Not completed corporate insolvency resolution
                                                                 receipt of the application, by an order admit/reject the
                 process and
                 Not undergoing a corporate insolvency resolution
                                                                 AA is required to admit or reject within 14 days from
                 process.                                        the date of filing. If admitted PPIRP commences.
             No liquidation order by NCLT against CD             Moratorium commences from the date of admission.

             Corporate  Debtor or its promoter are  otherwise    Public announcement to be made within 2 days. RP
             eligible to submit a resolution plan under Section 29A  Finalizes the List of Claims and constitutes CoC and
             of IBC, meaning thereby that the account  of the    conduct meetings.
             Corporate Debtor is not NPA and the promoters of the
                                                                 The Pre-Packaged Insolvency shall commence from the
             Corporate Debtor are not wilful defaulters and/or
                                                                 date of admission of the application. The time-limit for
             barred on other parameters specified in Section 29A of
                                                                 its completion is within a period of one hundred and
                                                                 twenty  days  from  the  pre-packaged  insolvency
             The FCs who are not related parties of the CD and have  commencement date;
             not less than ten per cent of the value of the total
                                                                 The resolution professional ("RP") shall procure and
             financial debt of such creditors may propose names of
                                                                 submit the resolution plan, within a period of ninety
             insolvency professionals to be appointed.
                                                                 days from the pre-packaged insolvency commencement
             Special Resolution/Resolution:                      date. The base resolution plan by the promoter of
                 CD being Corporate Debtor shall pass a  special  MSMEs is to be approved by committee of creditors. If
                 resolution approving the filing of an application for  the base resolution -plan  is not approved by the
                 initiating PPIRP or                             committee of creditors, the RP shall invite prospective
                                                                 resolution applicant to compete with base resolution
                 CD being LLP shall pass at least three-fourth of the
                 total number of partners of the corporate debtor
                 approving the filing of an application for PPIRP.  If CoC approves the resolution plan with 66% voting, RP
                                                                 to submit the same to AA for approval
             The CD shall provide to Financial Creditors a base
             Resolution Plan.                                    If no resolution plan is approved by the committee of
                                                                 creditors, the RP shall file an application with the NCLT
          Process Flow:                                          for  termination  of  the  pre-packaged  insolvency
          The procedure for initiation and completion of Pre-Packaged  resolution process. The jurisdictional NCLT Bench may
          Insolvency, as of now available only for MSMEs, is broadly  inter-alia terminate the Pre-Packaged Insolvency and
          as follows:                                            pass a liquidation order.

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