Page 50 - Banking Finance October 2022
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          transaction from Rs 20 as before, beyond the free transactions
          for customers. This hike takes into account the higher outgo
          on interchange for banks. It came into effect from January 1,
          2022. For years, private banks and white label ATM operators
          had been expecting an increase in the interchange fee to Rs
          18 from Rs 15. In simple words, one will have to pay more for
          using other banks' ATMs beyond the free limit. The interchange
          on non-financial transactions was also enhanced to Rs 6 from
          Rs 5 for non-financial transactions in all centres, effective from
          August 1, 2021. These rules and guidelines also hold true for
          transactions done at cash recycler machines, other than for
          cash deposit transactions.

          India also has one of  the lowest  ratios  of ATM cash
                                                              cost should be taken on the basis of actual amount incurred
          withdrawals as compared to the cash in circulation, according
                                                              rather than estimation. It could be done through fixing the
          to an RBI report, `Benchmarking India's Payment Systems'
                                                              fee through comprehensive 'inter-bank agreements' after
          released in June 2019. It is also an index  of the low efficiency
                                                              assessing  all  possible  technical  and  non-technical
          in recycling cash, meaning, the cycle of cash withdrawals,
          payments made with it and again depositing the cash through
          the banking system, said the report. The data for the last 3-
                                                              Utility and significance of ATMs are inextricably linked to the
          4 years reflects that banks have now slowed down in setting
                                                              use of cash in an economy. If cash starts losing its dominance
          up new ATMs. There have been several instances of the PSU
                                                              as 'the-king', the co existence of ATMs could automatically
          bank mergers wherein the  managements have decided to
                                                              head towards an end. Intimidated by the ongoing rise of
          shut  down  ATMs  if  the  merged  banks  were  having
                                                              cryptos, a range of central banks across the world are no
          independent cash machines in the same locality. Moreover,
                                                              more reluctant  to experiment with the  digital currency.
          since the cost involved in deploying an ATM is higher, one
          can't blame banks if they have decided against opening new
                                                              Bahamas has already unrolled the first official digital
          ATMs and use the already existing machines by paying a lower
                                                              currency of the world  whereas El Salvador has recognized
          fee for every transaction by their customers.
                                                              Bitcoin as legal tender. China, Japan, Sweden, Bank of
                                                              England and European Central Bank are already working on
                                                              the trials of CBDC and RBI is the latest to join the crusade.
          The fast emerging fintech industry will surely further erode
          the utility of ATMs for both banks and non-banks, which  Nevertheless, it's too early to write a eulogy for cash as well
          have deployed these, as well as  customers. In fact,  the  as ATMs. It is very much possible that ATMs start being
          entire payments system all over the world is constantly  replaced with cash recyclers. It has already dawned over
          seething, both in scale and scope. Dealing with these  the  Banks and independent ATM deployers (IADs) that ATMs
          changes will definitely define the future landscape of the  or  their advanced version,  the ACR  (Automated Cash
          payments system. As suggested by the Nandan Nilekani  Recycler), are very much required in India, so as to serve
          Committee on Deepening of Digital Payments, ATMs need  the cash requirements of the population.
          to undergo change and should be seen as an access point
          for customer education, awareness, and support.     Digital payments, especially UPI, has undoubtedly multiplied
                                                              its fold during this period, but cash remains the lubricant of
          In addition, they have to support the gamut of banking  the economy. In the days to come , we might be seeing the
          facilities that includes cash deposit, bills payment, funds  ATMs  regaining  their  rightful spot and  lustre as  the
          transfer, tax deposits, mobile recharge, investments etc.  accelerators of economic and inclusive growth. They might
          Evaluation of ATM transactions needs to be done on cost-  claim their thrust among the other dispensation models like
          plus basis, keeping in view the official changes introduced  UPI, micro ATMs, e-wallets, etc. But the need of the hour
          by RBI from time to time. It is worth mentioning that the  is such that there will be enough play for all.

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