Page 49 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 49


          innovations like mobile banking, Point Of Sale, E-Wallet and  It is gauged that the white-label operators have drained
          now may be even CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).  over Rs 1,000 crore to set up 25,000 ATMs in India, at
                                                                 an average cost of Rs 5 lakh per ATM.  Based on the
                                                                 location, each ATM may exhaust a running cost of Rs.
          Hiccups  faced by ATMs  in India
                                                                 30,000 to Rs. 50,000 per month. We may draw that  90-
             The economic slowdown, Covid-19 pandemic alongside
                                                                 100 transactions are required per day to make its
             the increased digitization in cities has given another
                                                                 operations viable and profitable .
             blow to the ATM industry that is  already stuck  in
                                                                 In 2016 at the time of demonetization we witnessed
             unviable operations. Most of the SCBs and independent
             ATM operators otherwise also  called the white label  the stockpiling of Rs 15.31 lakh crore notes that came
             ATM operators, have brought down the number of      through the deposits by the customers  subsequent to
             ATMs operated by them.                              which it was not  anticipated that currency in circulation
                                                                 would knock with such a huge bang that it would reach
             The total number of ATMs in India stands at 239,761
                                                                 an amount of over 28 lakh crore rupees as of March
             by end of June 2021, marginally up from 234,357 in
                                                                 2021. Nevertheless banks are still on the ride of shrinking
             March 2020, according to RBI data. The industry has
                                                                 their ATM base which is adequate enough to exhibit
             seen diminutive growth since 2017, following strong
                                                                 that a huge chunk of this CIC (Cash in circulation) is still
             annual growth of 14% between 2012 and 2017. The
                                                                 outside  of  the banking industry.
             diminishing growth in ATMs is putting a serious strain
                                                                 In  June  2019,  the  RBI  had  set  up  a  committee
             on the bank customers across the country and they are
                                                                 spearheaded by V.G. Kannan, the then chief executive
             exploring the alternate digital channels.
                                                                 of Indian Banks' Association, to analyse the interchange
             An  addition  to  the  miseries  was  made  by  the
                                                                 fee  structure.  The  aim  was  to    stimulate  ATM
             announcement made by RBI that all such ATMs who go
                                                                 deployment in the country, especially in the unbanked
             out of cash should try and ensure timely replenishment
                                                                 areas. The committee had also pondered on the issues
             to avoid cash outs. "Any non compliance in this regard
                                                                 involved around the cost effects of regulatory guidelines
             shall be viewed seriously and shall attract penalty " .
                                                                 for enhancing ATM security and control measures.
             This came as a jolt and exacerbated the existing wound
                                                                 Intensified security measures at the ATMs and the
             and many banks had planned on shutting down of some
                                                                 vehicles fetching cash had also impacted the overall
             of their ATMs so as to escape such monetary penalties.
                                                                 economics of ATM deployment.
             Though later on this guideline was withdrawn but this
             had struck as a lightening.
                                                              ATMs in India - an uplift Strategy
             There was also a discernible change in the consumer
                                                              Further implementing  the recommendations of the committee,
             behaviour following the pandemic. The majority of the
                                                              the RBI on June 10, 2021 hiked the interchange fee on each
             population highly reduced their activities at ATMs for the
                                                              financial transaction at an ATM to Rs 17 from existing Rs 15.
             fear of the COVID virus. A drastic shift to Google Pay,
                                                              The ceiling on customer charges was raised to Rs 21 per
             PayTm and PhonePe was seen and we witnessed even
             the smallest of the hawkers carrying the QR Code along
             with them to smoothen out the sales. Then there was
             also the long pending issue of revision in the interchange
             fee (payment from the card holder's bank to the ATM
             owner). Many of the ATM operators especially the white-
             label ATM operators decided against deploying new
             machines unless and until  there was an upward revision
             in the interchange fee. Companies were missing out on
             their money since the interchange fee was way scant.
             Muthoot Finance Ltd and SREI Infrastructure Finance Ltd,
             even withdrew themselves from the business as it was
             financially unviable. Muthoot had 217 ATMs in March
             2020, and none by September 2020.

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