Page 6 - Banking Finance May 2024
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          "Our partnership with Onion Life will  rectors Debashish Mukherjee, Ashok  excludes the impact of the merger of
          help us understand and assist the new  Chandra, Hardeep Singh Ahluwalia,  mortgage  lender  HDFC  with  HDFC
          and emerging enterprise class of gig  and Bhavendra Kumar, unveiled these  Bank.
          workers. The pilot will also help in de-  products and services.
          veloping an institutional mechanism for                              Central Bank MD M V Rao
          assessing the credit risk of this seg-  Pankaj  Dwivedi  takes
          ment," SIDBI Chairman and Managing                                   elected as IBA Chairman
          Director S Ramann said.           charge  as  ED  at  Union          Indian Banks Association (IBA) has
                                            bank                               elected a new Chairman, M V Rao,
          He said that SIDBI is committed to                                   Managing Director and CEO, Central
          using the latest digital technology to  Union Bank of India has appointed Shri
          provide affordable credit to different  Pankaj Dwivedi, General Manager,  Bank of India.
          categories of microenterprises. With  Punjab & Sind Bank as the Executive  Rao has been elected as IBA Chairman
          the  gig  economy  rapidly  growing,  Director of the Bank for a period of  for the term 2023-24 at a meeting of
          there is a pressing need to provide af-  three years with effect from the date  the Managing Committee of IBA.
          fordable and accessible financial sup-  of assumption of office i.e. from March  Three Deputy Chairmen for IBA would
          port to non-salaried workers who pro-  27, 2024 or until further orders, which-  be Dinesh Kumar Khara, Chairman,
          vide services through gig platform  ever is earlier. Shri Pankaj Dwivedi as-  State Bank of India (SBI); S L Jain, MD
          aggregators.                      sumed office as the Executive Director  and CEO, Indian Bank and N Kamakodi,
                                            of Union Bank of India on March 27,  Managing Director and CEO, City Union
          Canara  Bank  launches            2024. Prior to joining Union Bank of  Bank.
                                            India, he was General  Manager in
          new products and services         Punjab & Sind Bank.                Madhav Nair, Country Head and CEO,
          Canara  Bank  has  launched  a    He has more than 31 years of rich  Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, would be
          healthcare-focused  loan  product,                                   Honorary Secretary of the Association.
                                            Banking experience. He has completed
          Canara Heal, designed to meet the
                                            Masters in Business Administration
          deficit in hospitalization expenses while  from Symbiosis Institute of Manage-  Banks to sell non-core as-
          settling through TPA healthcare insur-  ment Studies, Pune and is a Certified sets  to  free  up  growth
          ance  claims.  Additionally,  it  has
                                            Associate from Indian Institute of Bank-  capital
          launched a customized savings account
                                            ers (CAIIB).
          for women, Canara Angel, with unique                                 Riding high on the bullish sentiment in
          features like a Cancer Care policy, pre-                             the economy, banks are rushing to put
          approved  personal  loan  Canara  Bank credit grows 16.5%            either sell their non-core assets or di-
          ReadyCash, and an online loan against to Rs. 157 trillion            lute their stake to partially make up for
          term  deposit  product,  Canara   Bank credit expanded by 16.5 per cent  their shrinking margins amid high cost
          MyMoney.                          year on year (Y-o-Y) basis to Rs. 157.81  of funds and free up growth capital.
          The  PSU  lender  has  also  unveiled  trillion at end of March 8, 2024. Se-  Despite banking regulator giving two
          Canara UPI 123PAY ASI, a user-friendly  quentially loans rose from Rs. 156.77  years' time to HDFC Bank for holding
          payment interface, and the Canara  trillion at the end of the previous fort-  stake in its wholly-owned subsidiary
          HRMS Mobile App for Staff, an HR  night (February 23, 2024), according to  HDFC Education and Development Ser-
          management solution for the bank's  Reserve Bank of India data.      vices (providing services to three edu-
          employees.                        Deposits of banks grew by 13.1 per  cation schools), the bank is planning to
                                                                               sell its entire stake via Swise challenge
          Rajesh Bansal, CEO of the Reserve  cent Y-o-Y to Rs. 203.09 trillion at end
                                                                               process to derive the maximum price
          Bank  Innovation  Hub,  along  with  of March 8, 2024. Sequentially, they
          Canara  Bank's  MD  &  CEO,  K    rose from Rs. 200.92 trillion a fortnight  for the asset.
          Satyanarayana Raju, and executive di-  ago, RBI data showed. The comparison  Canara Bank decided to sell 13 per cent

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