Page 8 - Banking Finance May 2024
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          Velonie said. Of the overall co-lending  SBI also plans to build KaaS (KYC as a
          book, personal loans alone account for  Service) for better management of KYC  Attention Subscribers
          about a third of the AUM, followed by  (know your customer) profiling of the  Please renew your Subscription of The
          housing loans at 20 percent and unse-  customers.                     Insurance Times Journal to receive
          cured MSME loans and gold loans each  The RBI has directed Regulated Enti-  copy of the journal uninterruptedly.
          making up 13% of the pie.         ties to follow 'KYC Guidelines', in terms  You can now pay by GPAY, Phonepe,
          Secured MSME (including loan against  of the Prevention of Money Launder-  Paytm, Amazon, ICICI Pay, BHIM UPI
          property) and vehicle loans comprise  ing Act 2002, whereby certain per-
          the rest 20 per cent. While co-lending  sonal information of the customer is
          books for all asset classes will grow, the  obtained. The KYC policy of a bank usu-
          pace of growth for personal loans is  ally has four components - customer
          expected to be slower than that seen  acceptance policy, risk management,
          in the recent past, it said. This is be-  customer identification procedures
          cause of the revision in the risk weight  and monitoring of transactions.
          of unsecured consumer credit to 125
          per cent now from 100 per cent ear-  Small finance banks want
          lier, which would lead to some modera-
          tion in growth for unsecured loans.  to peel off the 'small' label
                                            Executives of SFBs requested Reserve
          State  Bank's  agents  to         Bank of India (RBI) officials to let them
                                            drop the 'small finance' tag at a recent
          soon visit branches incog-        meeting, two people aware of the
          nito to monitor customer          matter said. Dropping the tag will im-
                                            prove branding and customer connect,
          services                          and attract more current and savings
          State Bank of India plans to take a leaf  accounts (CASA), the people said on
          out of this history and engage the ser-  condition of anonymity.
          vices of an external agency to visit in-  Created in 2016 to direct loans to
          cognito its branches to monitor cus-
          tomer services.                   smaller enterprises, farmers and un-
                                            der-served segments, SFBs are re-
          India's largest lender plans to conduct  quired to mention 'small finance' in  Sashi Publications Easy Payment
          this exercise on an annual basis. The  their names, and keep at least 75% of  Modes :-
          bank had 22,405 domestic branches as  their loans below Rs. 25 lakhs. Cur-  i) UPI ID: SASHIBOOKS@KOTAK
          of March end 2023.                rently, India has a total of 10 SFBs,  ii) GPAY: 9830171022@okbizaxis
          "The importance of customer centric-  many of which started their journey as  iii) PAYTM: 9830171022@paytm
          ity in banking operations and building  microfinance institutions.     iv) NEFT: Current A/C
          long-term relationships cannot  be                                       402120110000327 of 'SASHI
          overstated. We need to understand               Join                     PUBLICATIONS PRIVATE
          the pulse of customers, keep on evolv-                                   LIMITED, Bank of India, VVK
          ing with time, enhance our offerings   Online Certificate                Road Branch., Kolkata, India,
          and make customer experience of our                                      IFSC Code : BKID0004021
          bank as benchmark in the industry,"         Course on                  v) Credit Card:
          said Chairman Dinesh Kumar Khara.                              
          Already, RBI's officers have been mak-  Reinsurance                    For  any  query  please  call
          ing incognito visits to bank branches to  For details please visit
          assess of the level of customer service                                9073791022/9883398055

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