Page 13 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 13



          Govt invites bids for first       SPM and associated pipelines (offshore  tional operational guidelines like the
                                            and onshore) for storage of 2.5 million  mechanism for trading, clearing and
          commercial crude oil stor-        tonnes of crude oil at Padur-II at a cost  settlement and  risk  management.
          age                               of Rs 5,514 crore.                 They will also be issuing Frequently

          India, the world's third biggest oil con-                            Asked Questions (FAQs). The regulator
          sumer and importer, plans to build its SEBI  guidelines  out  for    said it will continue to do further stake-
          first commercial crude oil strategic  beta T+0 settlements           holder consultation including with us-
          storage as part of efforts to shore up                               ers of the Beta version of the T+0
                                            The Securities and Exchange Board of  settlement cycle.
          stockpiles as insurance against any sup-
                                            India (Sebi) issued guidelines for intro-
          ply disruption.
                                            ducing the beta version of same-day  SEBI launches SCORES 2.0
          Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves  (T+0) settlement on an optional basis.
          Ltd (ISPRL), a special purpose vehicle  The new framework will become op- complaint redress system
          created by the government for build-  erational by March 28. This will be in  SEBI launched the new version of the
          ing and operating strategic petroleum  addition to the existing T+1 settlement  SEBI  Complaint  Redress  System
          reserves in the country, has invited bids  cycle in the equity cash market.  (SCORES  2.0).  The  new version  of
          for constructing 2.5 million tonnes of                               SCORES strengthens the investor com-
          underground  storage  at  Padur  in  "It has been decided to put in place a  plaint redress mechanism in the secu-
          Karnataka, according to the tender  framework for the introduction of the  rities market by making the process
          document.                         Beta version of the T+0  settlement  more efficient through auto-routing,
                                            cycle on an optional basis in addition
          ISPRL had in the first phase built a stra-  to the existing T+1 settlement cycle in  auto-escalation, monitoring by the
          tegic petroleum reserve in  under-  the equity cash market, for a limited  designated bodies and reduction of
          ground unlined rock caverns for stor-  set of 25 scrips and with a limited  timelines, the regulator said in a note.
          age of 5.33 million tonnes of crude oil  number of brokers," a Sebi circular  SCORES is an online system where in-
          at three  locations Visakhapatnam  said.                             vestors in securities market can lodge
          (1.33 million tonnes) in Andhra Pradesh                              their complaints through web URL and
          and Mangalore (1.5 million tonnes)  The markets regulator said the short-  an app.
          and  Padur  (2.5  million  tonnes)  in  ened settlement cycle will bring cost
          Karnataka.                        and time efficiency, transparency in  SCORES 2.0 will feature reduced and
                                            charges to investors, and strengthen  uniform timelines for redressal of inves-
          Under Phase-II, it intends to build a  risk management at clearing corpora-  tor complaints, which is 21 calendar
          commercial cum strategic petroleum  tions, and the overall securities market  days from date of receipt of the com-
          reserve in underground unlined rock  ecosystem.                      plaint. Currently, entities are required
          caverns along with associated above                                  to submit the action taken report not
          ground facilities, including dedicated  Sebi has asked market infrastructure  later than 30 days.
                                            institutions (MIIs) to put in place addi-

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