Page 14 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 14


         An auto-routing of complaints to the  audit firm M/s Pathak, H.D. & Associ-  2.04 crore cards at the end of Febru-
         concerned regulated entity will be fa-  ates. Additionally, fines of Rs. 1 crore  ary. State Bank of India was a close
         cilitated to eliminate time lapses, if  and Rs. 50 lakh have been imposed on  second with 1.88 crore cards, with
         any, in the flow of complaints.    EP (Engagement Partner) CA Parimal  cards  increasing  by  1.5 lakh. New
                                            Kumar Jha and EQCR (Engagement     cards issued by Axis Bank were 1.6 lakh
         Forex  card  can  now  be          Quality Control Review Partner) CA  whereas those by ICICI Bank were
                                            Vishal D Shah, respectively. Further-  much lower at below 50,000.
         topped-up instantly dur-           more, the order stipulates that the EP  Indian  Bank,  CSB  Bank,  Bank  of
         ing international trips            and EQCR partners are to be debarred  Baroda, IDBI Bank, South Indian Bank
         While travelling internationally you  for 10 and 5 years, respectively, from  and YES Bank were the other issuers
         can upload your foreign exchange card  being appointed as an auditor or inter-  to see strong net addition in cards in
         instantly. This would be possible on the  nal auditor, or from undertaking any  February.
         latest version of BookMyForex applica-  audit pertaining to financial state-
         tion. BookMyForex is a group company  ments or internal audit functions and  Direct  selling  industry
         of the travel portal, MakeMyTrip.  activities of any company or body cor-
                                            porate. These sanctions are set to be-  crosses Rs. 21,000-cr mark
         "Running out of funds abroad is stress-  come effective 30 days from the date  India's direct selling industry registered
         ful and relying on credit cards exacer-  of issuance.                 over 12% growth, with its turnover
         bates the issue with exorbitant conver-                               crossing Rs 21,000 crore in 2022-23,
         sion charges, additional fees and often                               according to an annual survey by the
         restrictive credit limits. Our instant  Credit cards-in-force cross   Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA).
         reload feature addresses these con- 10 crore mark in Feb even
         cerns headon, removing the necessity  as spends fall 10%              Wellness and nutraceutical products
         of resorting to credit cards and offer-                               remained the preferred segment, ac-
         ing unparalleled peace of mind to trav-  Cards in force crossed the milestone of  counting for 73.5% and cosmetics and
         ellers," Sudarshan Motwani, Founder  10 crore cards outstanding in February,  personal care 11.3% of the gross turn-
         and CEO of, said.  even as spends declined by over 10 per  over.
         Further, this card can be purchased  cent in the truncated month, as per  The industry recorded an 8.3% CAGR
         without the need to open a bank ac-  data by the Reserve Bank of India.  over four years, with the number of
         count and is door delivered on the day  The number of cards increased steadily  active direct sellers reaching around 86
         of placing the order.              by 1.1 per cent in February to stand at  lakh from 84 lakh in 2021-22, the sur-
                                            10.06 crore cards at the end of the  vey says.
         Reliance  Capital  case:           month. The figure was at 9.95 crore at  The gross industry turnover stood at
         NFRA debars two CAs for            the end of January 2024, aided by HDFC  Rs 21,282 crore in 2022-23.
                                            Bank crossing 2 crore cards during the
         auditing lapses, imposes           month.                             According to the report, there has
                                                                               been a comprehensive improvement in
         fine of up to Rs. 3 crore          Credit cards rose by 11 lakhs during  all areas of the direct selling industry.
         The National Financial Reporting Au-  the month, slower than 16 lakh addi-  Total sales have increased by Rs 2252
         thority (NFRA) has taken decisive ac-  tions in January and 19 lakhs in De-  crore compared to the year 2021-22
         tion by debarring two Chartered Ac-  cember 2023. Banks such as SBM Bank  which was partially marred by the
         countants (CAs) for a period ranging  India, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank, Karur  pandemic.
         from 5 to 10 years, along with impos-  Vysya Bank, Union Bank, Punjab Na-  The Northern region continues to take
         ing fines of up to Rs. 3 crore on the  tional Bank, Canara Bank and Bank of
         involved parties. The case revolves  Maharashtra saw a decline in their  the lead with 30% turnover, followed
         around a financial transaction with  cards during the month.          by the East with 25%, West 22%, South
                                                                               15%, and North East 9%. Maharashtra
         Reliance Capital, with NFRA's order  Among the top four issuers, HDFC Bank
         dated April 12 outlining the penalties.  maintained its leadership position, with  led at the top with 12%, followed by
                                                                               West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh with
         Notably, the NFRA has levied a mon-  the highest addition of 3 lakh cards  10% each among the states, the sur-
         etary penalty of Rs. 3 crore on the  during the month, taking the total to  vey highlights.

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