Page 17 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 17


          tunities fund. Kotak Special Opportuni-  high of 17.78 crore, with the investor  ceeding  Rs  19,000  crore  for  two
          ties Fund will be an open-ended equity  base standing at around 4.46 crore.  straight months in February and March
          scheme following a special situations  AMFI said individual investors domi-  this year signal a shift towards a more
          theme.                                                               disciplined investment strategy among
                                            nated mutual fund categories such as
          The  investment  objective  of  the  equity, hybrid and solution-oriented
          scheme will be to generate long-term  schemes with the three categories to-  "This disciplined approach is further
          capital appreciation by investing pre-  gether accounting for nearly 58% of  exemplified by the increased prefer-
          dominantly in opportunities presented  the industry assets and 80% of the fo-  ence for equities, driven by their strong
          by special situations such as Company  lio count as of March 2024. The share  performance over the past year, in-
          Specific Event/Developments, Corpo-  of assets under management of these  dicative of investors conducting regu-
          rate Restructuring, Government Policy  categories has increased from 45% in  lar portfolio assessments and adjust-
          change and/or Regulatory changes,  March 2019.                       ments," Karthick Jonagadla, small case
          Technology led Disruption/ Innovation  Debt funds saw moderate growth of  Manager and founder, Quantace Re-
          or companies going through tempo-  around 7% in FY24 to close with assets  search, said.
          rary but unique challenges and other  of 12.62 lakh crore, after contracting  Bandhan  Mutual  Fund
          similar instances.                2% and 9% in the previous two finan-
          The  scheme  will  be  benchmarked  cial years, 2022 and 2023, respectively,  files draft document for
          against Nifty 500 TRI. The scheme will  showed data from the mutual fund in-  Nifty 500 Value 50 Index
          be managed by Devender Singhal and  dustry body.                     Fund
          Arjun Khanna.                                                        Bandhan Mutual Fund has filed a draft
          The minimum application amount for Mutual Funds SIP invest-          document with Sebi for Nifty 500 Value
          lumpsum, SIP, and additional purchase  ments  rise  to  Rs  2  lakh  50 Index Fund. Bandhan Nifty 500
          investments will be Rs 100, and any                                  Value 50 Index Fund will be an open-
          amount thereafter. The minimum re-  core in FY24                     ended scheme tracking Nifty 500 Value
          demption amount for all plans will be  Buoyant economic outlook and in-  50 Index.
          Rs 1,000 or 100 units or account bal-  creased market participation helped  The  investment  objective  of  the
          ance, whichever is lower.         drive the inflows in the mutual fund
                                            industry through systematic invest-  scheme will be to replicate the Nifty
          The scheme will allocate 80-100% in  ment plans or SIPs route to record Rs  500 Value 50 Index by investing in se-
          equity and equity-related securities of  2 lakh crore in 2023-24, marking a rise  curities of the Nifty 500 Value 50 Index
          special situations theme, 0-20% in eq-  of 28 per cent year-on-year. In com-  in the same proportion/weightage
          uity and equity-related securities other  parison, an inflow of 1.56 lakh crore  with an aim to provide returns before
          than of special situations theme and  was witnessed through this route in  expenses that track the total return of
          overseas mutual funds schemes/ETFs/                                  Nifty 500 Value 50 Index, subject to
                                            2022-23, Rs 1.24 lakh in 2021-22 and
          foreign securities, 0-20% in debt and  Rs 96,080 crore in 2020-2021, data  tracking errors. The scheme will offer
          money market securities, and 0-10% in  with the Association of Mutual Funds  regular and direct plans both with only
          units of REITs & InvITs.          in India (AMFI) showed.            growth option.

                                            Moreover, mutual fund SIP contribu-  The minimum application amount for
          Mutual fund industry as-          tion has seen over four-fold rise during  lumpsum investment will be Rs 1,000
          sets grow 35% in FY24             the last seven years. It was Rs 43,921  and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter.
                                                                               The minimum amount for additional
          The mutual fund industry's assets un-  crore in 2016-17.             purchase will be Rs 1,000 and in mul-
          der  management  grew  by  35%  in  Additionally, SIP book has also grown  tiples of Re 1 thereafter. The minimum
          FY24, recording the highest gain since  consistently from Rs 14,276 crore in  amount for SWP will be Rs 200 and any
          fiscal FY21 when the industry grew by  March 2023 to an all-time high of Rs  amount  thereafter.  The  minimum
          41%, said the Association of Mutual  19,270 crore in March 2024, indicat-  amount for repurchase/redemption
          Funds India (AMFI).               ing a growth of 35 per cent.       will be Rs 500 or the account balance
          The number of folios closed at a record  The SIP contributions consistently ex-  of the investor, whichever is less.

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