Page 12 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 12


         structure projects without due dili-  policy announcement, and closed at  unauthorised for the purpose of law
         gence on the viability and bankability  the same level, its highest closing level  enforcement, sources said, adding that
         of the projects to ensure revenue  since 31 January.                  this will serve as a pivotal checkpoint
         streams from the projects were suffi-  The policy was on expected lines, show-  in the fight against financial crimes in
         cient for repaying debt.                                              the digital realm.
                                            ing how the thinking of market partici-
         The repayment / servicing of the said  pants, analysts, media, and others was  DIGITA, once in place, would be en-
         term loans was made out of budget-  well-aligned, RBI governor Shaktikanta  trusted  with  the  responsibility  of
         ary resources, RBI said in a statement.  Das said at the beginning of the post-  vetting  digital  lending  apps,  they
         In Another regulatory action, RBI im-  policy press conference. The rate-set-  noted.
         posed a monetary penalty of Rs 49.70  ting  committee  also  retained  the
         lakh on LIC Housing Finance Ltd for  stance of "withdrawal of accommoda- RBI issues draft framework
         non-compliance with certain provisions  tion".                        for electronic trading plat-
         of Fair Practices Code.
                                            Das pointed out five aspects of the lat-  forms
                                            est MPC decision. First, inflation is
         RBI may issue guidance on          moderating and gross domestic prod-  The Reserve Bank of India proposed a
         SFB upgradation to univer-         uct (GDP) growth is robust. Second,  revised regulatory framework for Elec-
                                                                               tronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) in the
         sal banks                          the MPC remains focused on aligning  wake of increased integration of the
                                            inflation to its target on a durable ba-
         The Reserve Bank of India is expected  sis and is satisfied by the progress  onshore forex market with offshore
         to issue guidelines or a circular that  made under disinflation, although the  markets.  Market makers too have
         could pave the way for small finance  task is not yet finished. Third, the finan-  been requesting the Reserve Bank to
         banks to become universal banks. This  cial sector continues to be stable.  allow access to offshore ETPs offering
         circular is expected to outline the nec-  Fourth, the external sector continues  Indian Rupee (INR) products.
         essary requirements for SFBs seeking                                  ETP refers to any electronic system,
                                            to be resilient. Lastly, as RBI moves
         to convert into universal banks, includ-                              other than a recognised stock ex-
                                            towards a century of its existence -
         ing details of the application process  currently at 90 years - the central bank  change, on which transactions in eli-
         for this upgrade.                                                     gible instruments are contracted. Eli-
                                            will continue to focus on preserving fi-
         At present, SFBs can seek to become  nancial stability and promoting the fi-  gible instruments mean securities,
         universal banks upon completion of five  nancial sector and a payments system  money market instruments, foreign
         years of operations as a small finance  that is robust, resilient and future-  exchange instruments, derivatives, or
         bank. The current licensing norms for  ready.                         other instruments of like nature.
         SFBs do not have any additional re-                                   The 'Draft Master Direction - Reserve
         quirements or conditions to be met to                                 Bank of India (Electronic Trading Plat-
         convert to a universal bank.       RBI  to  set  up  DIGITA  to       forms) Directions, 2024' said that an
                                            curb cyber fraud                   entity seeking authorisation as an ETP
         RBI keeps finger on pause          As part of its efforts to curb growing  operator should maintain a minimum
                                                                               net-worth of Rs 5 crore and continue
         button, eyes on inflation          cyber fraud, the Reserve Bank is con-  to maintain the minimum net-worth
                                            sidering establishing a Digital India
         The monetary policy committee of the                                  prescribed all times.
         Reserve Bank of India (RBI) continued  Trust  Agency  (DIGITA) to  stop  the
                                            mushrooming of illegal lending apps.  Also, the entity should be a company
         its prolonged pause in the key repo                                   incorporated  in  India.  Further,
         rate at 6.5%, pursuing durable signs of  The proposed agency will enable veri-  shareholding by non-residents, if any,
         easing inflation amid volatile food  fication of digital lending apps and  in the entity seeking authorisation as
         prices.                            maintain a public register of verified  an ETP operator should conform to all
         Although the policy was unsurprising,  apps, sources said.            applicable laws and regulations, includ-
         the  10-year  benchmark  sovereign  Apps not carrying the 'verified' signa-  ing the Foreign Exchange Manage-
         bond yield rose to 7.12% during the  ture of DIGITA should be considered  ment Act, 1999.

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