Page 16 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 16


         Mutual Fund

         HDFC Mutual Fund laun-             The investment strategy of the scheme  The  category  has  been  attracting
                                            will emphasise on a core portfolio com-  regular inflows since the beginning of
         ches HDFC Manufacturing            prising at least 80% investment in stocks  financial year 2023-24 in April after a
         Fund                               representing diverse sectors under the  change in taxation for debt funds that

         HDFC Mutual Fund has announced the  manufacturing theme. The fund's flex-  kicked off in the same month. Before
         launch of HDFC Manufacturing Fund,  ible approach allows for investments  that, the segment saw a net with-
         an open-ended equity scheme aiming  across market capitalization, offering  drawal of Rs 12,372 crore in March.
         to unlock the potential of India's manu-  investors an exposure to a wide range  Overall, the hybrid category saw net
         facturing sector by investing predomi-  of opportunities within the manufactur-  inflows of Rs 1.45 lakh crore in FY24,
         nantly in equity and equity-related se-  ing landscape, said the press release.  compared to an outflow of Rs 18,813
         curities  of  companies  engaged  in                                  crore in FY23, data with the Associa-
         manufacturing activities.          Hybrid mutual funds stage          tion of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
         The new fund offers or the NFO of the comeback;  see  Rs  1.45        showed.
         scheme will open for subscription on  lakh crore inflows driven       "Anticipating a reversal in the interest
         April 26 and close on May 10.                                         rate hike cycle in FY24, market partici-
                                            by arbitrage investments           pants strategically allocated funds to
         The fund's investment objective is to pro-
         vide long-term capital appreciation by  Hybrid mutual fund schemes have seen  capitalize on higher rates, while con-
         identifying companies poised to benefit  a resurgence in 2023-24, garnering Rs  tinuing a favourable stance towards
         from India's manufacturing resurgence.  1.45 lakh crore in investments, driven  equities, real estate, and gold.
                                            by substantial inflows into the arbi-  However, the rate cuts never materi-
         India's manufacturing sector stands at  trage category, following withdrawals
         the cusp of an Amrit Kaal, a golden                                   alized and bond yields continue to be
                                            in the previous fiscal year. The surge in  higher, retaining the interest of inves-
         era, fuelled by various factors such as  assets was complemented by an in-
         growing consumption, investments,  crease in the number of investors, with  tors," Gopal Kavalireddi, Vice President
         and exports, coupled with changing  the number of folios reaching 1.35  - Research at FYERS, said.
         geopolitical  dynamics  and  the   crore in March 2024 from 1.21 crore
         government's push for self-reliance  a year earlier, adding an investor base  Kotak Mutual Fund files
         through reforms and incentives. The  of 14 lakh. This shows investors' incli- draft document with Sebi
         fund  seeks  to  capitalise  on  these  nation for hybrid funds.
         tailwinds, offering investors an oppor-                               for special opportunities
         tunity to participate in the country's  Hybrid funds are mutual fund schemes  fund
         transformation into a global manufac-  that typically invest in a combination of  Kotak Mutual Fund has filed a draft
         turing powerhouse, according to the  equity and debt securities and sometimes  document with Sebi for a special oppor-
         press release by the fund house.   in other asset categories such as gold.

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